Convert natural language text to configuration files(yaml/ini/conf/json) or command of various projects(docker/kubernetes/vim/nginx/postgres/terraform) with the power of Pre-Trained models. Relieve you from the burden of remembering configuration and commands.
# pip install text2config
git clone
cd text2config
pip install -e .
# default to 0
t2c k8s "get all pod in namespace kube-system and sort by create time"
t2c docker "run image nginx:latest and mount ~/nginx.conf to /etc/nginx.conf, and also expose 80 to local 8080, remove it after stop"
Due to network issues, you need to config proxy for openai api in your terminal like this.
export https_proxy= http_proxy= all_proxy=socks5://
usage: t2c [-h] [-m {cmd,config}] [-c CONFIG] [-d] {docker,k8s,kubernetes,kubectl,nginx} goal
Convert natural language text to configuration files(yaml/ini/conf/json)
or command of various projects(docker/kubernetes/vim/nginx/postgres/terraform).
Example: t2c k8s "get all pod in namespace kube-system and sort by create time"
positional arguments:
command name
goal goal of the command or config that you want to generate
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m {cmd,config}, --mode {cmd,config}
generate command or config
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
-d, --debug show debug log
- ✅ text to docker command
- ✅ text to k8s command
- text to k8s yaml
- text to nginx conf
- chain command to other commands
- text to any command/config with predefined prompt template.
- text to custom command/config with user provide prompt template
t2c docker "run image nginx and export port 80 to local port 8080"
## text to k8s cmd
t2c k8s "scale deploy nginx to 3"
t2c k8s -m cmd "get svc in ns which expose domain"
t2c k8s --mode config "run nginx deploy and export a ingress with domain"
t2c k8s -m config "mount a nas pvc to deploy mysql in namespace test"
t2c nginx -c /path/to/nginx.conf add location /docs/ to vhost redirect to