Hi! I'm Jacob - aka UnitOfTime
I'm working on building games in Golang and open sourcing my libaries. Currently most of these are in the early stages and are works in progress:
- Glitch - A shader based rendering library
- Flow - An collection of reusable game libraries (I also sometimes use this library to prototype new things, then eventually split them to their own repo)
- ECS - A generic ECS library
- Packer - A sprite packing library and standalone
- RtcNet - Essentially a net.Conn wrapper for pion.WebRTC (Gives you client/server UDP-ish connections in a browser)
- Envoy - A lightweight, fast, and generic bidirectional RPC framework
- Cod - A serdes codegen tool that scans your AST and generates fast serialization code from your structs
Here are some full games I open sourced:
- Boxlin - For Ludum Dare 53
- I guess I only have 1 right now!