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Uniwhales Superfluid Affiliate Marketing Contracts

Drip Finance Contracts v1.0


Drip leverages Superfluid streams to create a real-time affiliate program. A business can create an affiliate program through which affiliates can sign up by minting a cashflow NFT and begin referring subscribers with their affiliate codes. When a subscriber begins a subscription stream with an affiliate's referral code, they get a portion of that subscription income as specified by the program owner (the business).

Drip's smart contracts possess 3 components:

  1. TradeableFlow: ERC721 logic and getters/setters
  2. RedirectFlow: Superfluid logic - handling creating/updating/deleting streams, stream logic for NFT transfer, and emergency functionality
  3. TradeableFlowStorage: Library containing structs detailing TradeableFlow data



address _owner - (passes to inherited RedirectAll) Program owner (the entity profiting from subscriber revenue)

address _drip - Creators of Drip. Provided authority to ensure compensation for providing real-time affiliate program smart contract framework to program owner

string memory _name - (passes to inherited ERC721) NFT Contract Name (e.g. "Uniwhales Drip Cashflow NFT")

string memory _symbol - (passes to inherited ERC721) NFT Token Symbol (e.g. "DRIP-UWL")

string memory _baseURI - Base URI of NFT Metadata

ISuperfluid host - (passes to inherited RedirectAll) Superfluid host contract

IConstantFlowAgreementV1 cfa - (passes to inherited RedirectAll) The stored constant flow agreement class address

int96 _affiliatePortion - Portion of referred subscriber revenue that corresponding affiliates receive ( affiliatePortion / 10000 ) should equal desired portion. If this is greater than 10000, contract will NOT work

string memory registrationKey - (passes to inherited RedirectAll) Registration key provided by Superfluid to allow mainnet deployment (not needed for testnet deployment)

State Variables

owner - Program owner (the entity profiting from subscriber revenue)

drip - Creators of Drip. Provided authority to ensure compensation for providing real-time affiliate program smart contract framework to program owner

ERC20MintRestrict - ERC20 token for which you must have enough balance to mint TradeableFlow NFT

ERC20MintRestrictBalanceRequirement- Balance of ERC20 token required by wallet to mint TradeableFlow NFT - not set in constructor (so initially it's zero) but can be adjusted with setters

whitelist - addresses mapped to their AffiliateMintingStatus (whether they're whitelisted and how many NFTs they've minted)

whitelistActive - Whether or not whitelist is active

mintLimit - Amount of NFTs a whitelisted address is allowed to mint

baseURI - Base URI pointing to Drip asset database



  • whitelisted - permission to mint
  • quantityMinted - amount minted so far


WhitelistRestriction - if whitelist is active, activates select address and quantity restrictions chosen by program owner

ERC20Restriction - Must own enough of the designated ERC20 token to mint an affiliate NFT

onlyAuthorizedLocker - ensures caller is owner or drip as these are the two entities permitted to lock program


NewAffiliateLink - Emitted when a new affiliate link is created

NewBaseURISet - Emitted when a new baseURI for NFT is set

AppLocked - Emitted when app is locked (see lock() function for details below)

Write Methods

mint(string memory referralCode)

  • Parameters
    • referralCode - URI appended to baseURI, serves as referral code
  • Pre-conditions
    • App is not locked
    • Shouldn't be minting affiliate NFTs to contract deployer
    • Minter can't mint an NFT with the same referralCode (tokenURI) as before to prevent affiliate flows from being stolen
    • referralCode can't be an empty string
  • Post-conditions
    • Referral code set for minted token id
    • Token minted to new affiliate
    • NewAffiliateLink event emitted

_beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId)

  • Parameters
    • from - sender of NFT
    • to - receiver of NFT
    • tokenId - token ID of NFT being transferred
  • Pre-conditions
    • to is not the program owner
  • Post-conditions
    • Flows to from address cancelled and opened to new to address


  • Pre-conditions
    • onlyAuthorizedLocker
  • Post-conditions
    • locked in TradeableFlowStorage is now true - streams cannot be opened or updated to app and owner may close streams or sweep contract balance


  • Pre-conditions
    • onlyAuthorizedLocker
  • Post-conditions
    • locked in TradeableFlowStorage is now false - streams can now be opened to the app

setWhiteList(address newMinter, bool status)

  • Parameters
    • newMinter - new minter whose whitelist status is being modified
    • status - new status of minter address
  • Pre-conditions
    • onlyOwner
  • Post-conditions
    • newMinter whitelist status set to status
    • SetWhiteList event emitted

setWhiteListStatus(bool newStatus, uint256 newMintLimit)

  • Parameters
    • newStatus - new status of whitelist (active or not)
    • newMintLimit - how much whitelisted addresses are allowed to mint
  • Pre-conditions
    • onlyOwner
  • Post-conditions
    • whitelistActive and mintLimit have been set to newStatus and newMintLimit respectively

setBaseURI(string memory newBaseURI)

  • Parameters
    • newBaseURI - new base URI for NFT metadata
  • Pre-conditions
    • onlyOwner
  • Post-conditions
    • baseURI set to newBaseURI
    • NewBaseURISet(newBaseURI) emitted

setERC20MintRestriction(uint256 newERC20MintRestrictBalanceRequirement, address newERC20MintRestrict)

  • Parameters
    • newERC20MintRestrictBalanceRequirement - balance of ERC20 token needed to mint affiliate NFT
    • newERC20MintRestrict - ERC20 token required for minting
  • Pre-conditions
    • onlyOwner
  • Post-conditions
    • ERC20MintRestrict is set to newERC20MintRestrict and ERC20MintRestrictBalanceRequirement to newERC20MintRestrictBalanceRequirement

setNewAcceptedToken(ISuperToken supertoken)

  • Parameters
    • supertoken - New super token to be accepted for payment
  • Pre-conditions
    • onlyOwner
    • supertoken must be a super token
    • supertoken must have not already been set
  • Post-conditions
    • In TradeableFlowStorage, acceptedTokensList gets supertoken appended to it
    • In TradeableFlowStorage, acceptedTokens mapping has the supertoken validity set to true

setNewDripOwner(address newDrip)

  • Parameters
    • newDrip - Address of new monetization authority address
  • Pre-conditions
    • Caller must be drip
  • Post-conditions
    • drip set to newDrip

Read Methods - please consult TradeableFlow.

TradeableFlowStorage Library


AffiliateProgram - Holds core data to affiliate program

  • owner - Program owner
  • host - Superfluid host contract
  • cfa - The stored constant flow agreement class address
  • acceptedTokensList - List of all accepted super tokens (iterateable so for changeReceiver, we can iterate over and change flows)
  • acceptedTokens - Contains all super tokens permitted as payment for subscription service as a mapping
  • referralcodeToToken - Maps referral code to tokenIds
  • tokenToReferralCode - Maps tokenIds to referral code
  • tokenToAffiliate - Maps NFT token ID to affiliate address
  • tokenToSubscribers - Maps NFT token ID to subscribers who used its referral code for querying
  • subscribers - Maps subscriber to [how much subscriber is streaming into the app] + [the affiliate who referred the subscriber]
  • tokenToPaymentTokentoOutflowRate - Maps NFT token ID to outflow rate for each token to for tracking when transferring
  • affiliatePortion - Portion of referred subscriber revenue that corresponding affiliates receive ( affiliatePortion / 10000 ) should equal desired portion. If this is greater than 10000, contract will NOT work
  • locked - whether or not the program has been locked in the event of cancellation, an emergency, bug, etc.

TempContextData - Storage struct used hold data in avoiding stack too deep error

  • agreementData - data on agreement call to which the callback is reacting. Contains info on address openning stream, userdata, and more
  • ctx - object containing context on actions taken during callback. See below from Superfluid codebase:
ctx = abi.encode(

SubscriberProfile - Subscriber's Details

  • paymentToken - token subscriber is paying with
  • tokenId - the tokenId representing the affiliate from which the subscriber was referred
  • inflowRate - how much is the subscriber streaming into the app. used for diff tracking in _updateOutflow



Callback response to a subscription flow being opened.

  • If flow is opened with no affiliate code: a. Flow to program owner increased by total new flow amount
  • If a flow is opened with incorrect affiliate code: a. Flow to program owner increased by total new flow amount
  • If a flow is opened with valid affiliate code: a. Flow to affiliate increased by affiliatePortion of new flow amount b. Flow to owner increased by new flow amount less flow to affiliate


Callback response to a subscription flow being updated OR deleted.

  • If adjusting subscriber has no affiliate a. Flow to program owner adjusted by difference between new rate and old rate
  • If adjusting subscriber has subscribed with an affiliate code a. Flow to affiliate adjusted to affiliatePortion of new flow amount b. Flow to owner adjusted by new rate less flow to affiliate


Flow change response to an NFT being transferred

  • Parameters
    • oldAffiliate - from address
    • newAffiliate - to address
    • tokenId - token ID of NFT being transferred
  • Pre-conditions
    • newAffiliate can't be zero address
    • new Affiliate can't be another SuperApp
  • Post-conditions
    • flows in all tokens to oldAffiliate recreated to newAffiliate
      • accounts for possibility of having multiple cashflow NFTs

SuperApp Callbacks

afterAgreementCreated afterAgreementUpdated afterAgreementTerminated

Flow Modification Helper Functions

_createFlow _updateFlow _deleteFlow

Emergency Functions


Allows owner to close any stream to app if the app has been locked

  • Parameters
    • streamer - address of streamer whose stream is being cancelled
    • supertoken - supertoken streamer is using to pay
  • Pre-conditions
    • only owner can do stream closures
    • _ap.locked is true
  • Post-conditions
    • flows from streamer to app is cancelled


Allows owner to sweep any balance of a super token in the app when the app is locked

  • Parameters
    • token - super token whose balance is to be transferred out of app
    • amount - amount of the token to be withdrawn
  • Pre-conditions
    • only owner can do balance sweeps
    • _ap.locked is true
  • Post-conditions
    • amount of token has been withdrawn from app to owner


No description, website, or topics provided.






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Contributors 3
