Unofficial Splunk SDK Client in Erlang/OTP
This is currently a development PoC. You can log in to any number of configured Splunk instances, send events, issue "oneshot" searches and get back XML responses.
Optionally edit the included splunkclient.config
file. You can:
change connection parameters such as host name, port, protocol, username, password
add any number of other hosts to connect to in the
tuple; just make sure each individual connection has a unique tuple name -
change default pool configuration, e.g. number of workers available for each connection pool, HTTP client backend, etc.
to use it in your application, include it as a dependency
to play with it in the console, you can compile
you can run tests (requires locally installed Splunk with default configuration)
`make tests`
To start in Erlang console
_rel/bin/splunkclient_release console
Log in to the default connection host, or a specified named connection
Run a simple "oneshot" search against the default or a specified named connection
splunkclient:oneshot_search(<<"index=main helloworld">>).
splunkclient:oneshot_search(splunkclient_conn_another, <<"index=main helloworld">>).
Send an event
splunkclient:send_simple(<<"2014-06-16 09:19:43 action=foo, name=Tester, type=Record">>, [{<<"host">>,<<"localhost">>},{<<"source">>,<<"testing1">>},{<"sourcetype">>,<<"test-type">>}]).
Other useful functions
Note that when calling functions without specifying a connection name, the default
will be used, so please don't change the name of this default entry in configuration