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Simple PHP Object Oriented Framework consists of convenient and simple, yet advanced database abstraction layer. It's simple to get started and use, but also packs advanced features.


In your composer.json make sure you have this repository:

    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""

and this package:

    "require": {
        "spoof/spoof": "~0.9"

Basic Usage


Create a PDO connection and add to connection pool with alias test:

use spoof\lib360\db\connection\Config;
use spoof\lib360\db\connection\PDO;
use spoof\lib360\db\connection\Pool;

$conn = new PDO(new Config('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'root', NULL));
Pool::add($conn, 'test');

select using table factory

This method allows very quick, one-off access to your data.

use spoof\lib360\db\data\TableFactory;

$userTable = TableFactory::get('test', 'users');
$result = $userTable->select();

select using a table class

Defining a table class allows you to define a reusable component instead of using defaults from factory. Below $db is the database alias name, and $name is the table or storage name.

use spoof\lib360\db\data\Table

class UserTable extends Table
    protected $db = 'test';
    protected $name = 'users';

$userTable = new UserTable();
$result = $userTable->select();

create conditions

Condition objects allow you to define a query restriction that can be reused. The condition object below would read: column user_id equals to integer 5.

use spoof\lib360\db\condition\Condition;
use spoof\lib360\db\value\Value;

$cond = new Condition(
    new Value('user_id', Value::TYPE_COLUMN),
    new Value(5, Value::TYPE_INTEGER)

use condition groups

Condition groups allow you to combine conditions and other condition groups together.

use spoof\lib360\db\condition\ConditionGroup;

$condgroup1 = new ConditionGroup($cond1);
$condgroup1->addCondition(ConditionGroup::OPERATOR_AND, $cond2);

$condgroup1->addCondition(ConditionGroup::OPERATOR_OR, $condgroup2);

use conditions in queries

Condition (or condition group) objects can be easily plugged in select/update/delete statements.

$result = $userTable->delete($condgroup1);

limit returned fields per query

This will select id and name fields only.

$result = $userTable->select($condgroup1, NULL, array('id', 'name'));

limit fields in class definition

This is equivalent of above but defined inside the class as default. You can always override per query.

class UserTable extends Table
    protected $db = 'test';
    protected $name = 'user';
    protected $fields = array('id', 'name');

$userTable = new UserTable();
$result = $userTable->select($condgroup1);

Advanced Usage

create joins

Let's say you want to display comments made by users; but comments table has the users' ID value, so you want to join against the users table to grab name instead. And you also want to join users table against user_groups to grab their group name.

use spoof\lib360\db\condition\Condition;
use spoof\lib360\db\join\Join;
use spoof\lib360\db\value\Value;

// create condition object linking comments.user_id = users.user_id
$condJoinUsers = new Condition(
    new Value('comments.user_id', Value::TYPE_COLUMN),
    new Value('users.user_id', Value::TYPE_COLUMN)

// create a condition object linking users.group_id = user_group.group_id
$condJoinUserGroup = new Condition(
    new Value('users.group_id', Value::TYPE_COLUMN),
    new Value('user_group.group_id', Value::TYPE_COLUMN)

// create a join object with initial inner join of users and comments tables
$j = new Join('comments', Join::JOIN_TYPE_INNER, 'users', $condJoinUsers);

// add user_group table as a left outer join
$j->addTable(Join::JOIN_TYPE_LEFT_OUTER, 'user_group', $condJoinUserGroup);

create views

Now use the above join inside a view class. Notice you can add as many join objects as desired.

use spoof\lib360\db\data\View;

class UserCommentsView extends View
    public function __construct()
        // same join creation code as above resulting in $j object
        // ...

        // add join to array
        $this->joins[] = $j;

use views

Views can be used very similar to tables. In fact, they share most of the implementation.

$userComments = new UserCommentsView();

$result = $userComments->select();

There's a lot more! User guides and full documentation are coming soon.