This application allow you to pull Pages element from a project on Teambox, and turn them into website, and its also a demo for Teambox API & OAuth2 features.
With this tool, non-technical people build the content of a using Teambox pages, and you can use this app publish it. Its designed to deploy on Heroku with MongoDB.
- Teambox an open source collaborative project management software.
- Pages are wiki-like element in Teambox.
- Point a domain to your app
- Login with your Teambox account
- Select a project and pull pages
- Create routes that point to Teambox pages
- Edit your template with mustache
Each domain is considered as a different site.
git clone git://
cd teambox-page
heroku create your-site-name --stack bamboo-mri-1.9.2
heroku addons:add mongohq:free
You also need to add your Teambox OAuth key & secret token.
Register new application from your account setting on Teambox.
The callback URL should point to http://YOUR-DOMAIN/auth/teambox/callback
You need to add a list of authorized users, Teambox username, comma separated.
heroku config:add TEAMBOX_ADMINISTRATOR=charles,pablo,jordi
And push
git push heroku master
Pointing any domain to the app will automatically scope into a different site.