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Unixerius edited this page May 23, 2022 · 3 revisions

XK0-004 prep class

The lab exercises in this repository are part of a sixteen-week training taught at ITvitae (in Amersfoort, the Netherlands). Students in the Cyber Security track are prepared for CompTIA's Linux+ exam, through a combination of classroom trainings and self-study.

It goes without saying that these labs by themselves will not be enough to prepare someone for the XK0-004 exam. They are meant as exercises, next to studying from a book and/or getting taught by a teacher.

In class, we use Bresnahan and Blum's prep guide, published via Sybex.

Structure of the training and labs

The Linux+ course at ITvitae is structured in what I personally think is a useful order, which does not coincide with the exam objectives order, nor with the chapters in Bresnahan & Blum.

Each of the sixteen classes covers a number of objectives. The directory names (and slide deck names) in this repository give a small indication of what to expect.

  • Not all topics in the objectives are covered in the labs.
  • Most labs are not representative of what you will see in a professional setting.
  • Most lab instructions are short-hand, limited by the space on each slide

Supporting materials

I realise that these labs will only help you a little bit on your way; it'll be much more useful if you also have videos at your disposal. At some point in time I really do hope to make a free YouTube series of this course, but that's a long way off.

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