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1. How to Install?

Taichi FURUHASHI edited this page Oct 9, 2024 · 37 revisions

0. Installing RaspberryPi OS



  • RaspberryPi OS LITE(64-bit) for RaspberryPI 4
  • RaspberryPi OS LITE(64-bit) for RaspberryPI 5

0-1. Get RaspberryPi OS Imager

You can download RaspberryPi OS Imager from here.

0-2. Insert your SDCard on your PC

We recommend, over 128GB storage size.

0-3. Run your RaspberryPi OS Imager

When you run a RaspberryPi OS Imager, Please select your type of device(RaspberryPi 4 or RaspberryPi 5). OS Type is "RaspberryPi OS LITE(64-bit)". and storage means your SDcard drive.

  • Raspberry Pi Device: "RASPBERRY PI 4" or "RASPBERRY PI 4"
  • Operating System: "RASPBERRY PI OS LITE(64-bit)"
  • Storage: << Choose your SDcard drive >>

Then, click NEXT button.

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0-4. Run your RaspberryPi OS Imager

Click EDIT SETTINGS button.

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0-5. Setting for your Wi-Fi environment

  • Host name: unvtportable .local If there are multiple devices, prefix the host name with the two-digit aircraft ID. Example: unvtportable01
  • User name: unvt
  • Password: unvt or you can modify any password
  • Wi-Fi Settings: depends on your environment
  • Locale Settings: depends on your remote PC and Language

Then, click SAVE button.

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0-6. Installing RaspberryPi OS

Click YES button.

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Click YES button again.


Please wait a moment...

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You can remove SDcard. After that, you should insert it into the RaspberryPi device.


0-7. Turn on your RaspberryPi device

Connect USB-C cable for Power, Automatically your RaspberryPi device will start.

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1. SSH Login

ssh unvt@raspberrypi.local

If you cannot log in with ssh, delete the old host key and set the host key again.

ssh-keygen -R unvtportable.local

2. Installing nginx

apt update

sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install nginx
sudo systemctl status nginx

nginx Star/Stop/Restart

  • Start: sudo systemctl start nginx
  • Stop: sudo systemctl stop nginx
  • ReStart: sudo systemctl restart nginx
hostname -I

unvt@unvtportable:~ $ hostname -I

unvt@unvtportable:~ $ hostname -I

Access IP addresshttp://x.x.x.x/ with a web browser to check operation

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3. Wi-Fi Access Point Setting with NetworkManager

Modify the NetworkManager.conf file using the nano editor to allow NetworkManager to manage the Wi-Fi interface. It is important to set managed=true.

sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
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Delete the [main][ifupdown] part by pressing Ctrl + k key, paste the following, and overwrite the file (press Ctrl + s to save, Ctrl + x to exit).


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Reboot Raspberry Pi to reflect settings

sudo reboot

<<< Please wait a few minutes for a Wi-Fi connection >>>

Login to the Raspberry Pi again via ssh

ssh unvt@unvtportable.local

Create a new access point profile

  • Default SSID: UNVTportable
  • Default Password: UNVTportable

When testing with multiple units, add a suffix as follows

  • SSID: UNVTportable0x
  • Default Password: UNVTportable
sudo nmcli dev wifi hotspot ifname wlan0 ssid UNVTportable band bg password UNVTportable
sudo nmcli dev wifi hotspot ifname wlan0 ssid UNVTportable0x band bg password UNVTportable

After a while, the RaspberryPi automatically switches Wi-Fi access point and the ssh connection is interrupted. 2-3 minutes of coffee time.

Connect to "UNVTportable" to a new Wi-Fi access point

When UNVTportable appears at the Wi-Fi access point, connect using the password UNVTportable.

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ssh connection again

ssh unvt@unvtportable.local

Reconfirm IP address

hostname -I

unvt@unvtportable:~ $ hostname -I

IP address was earlier changed to Access with a web browser to check the operation.

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Access point auto-activation settings

sudo nmcli connection modify Hotspot autoconnect yes

4. Change access permissions for file transfers

Check current /var/www/html access permissions

The owner is root account.

ls -ld /var/www/html

unvt@unvtportable:~ $ ls -ld /var/www/html drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 3 14:41 /var/www/html

Change access privileges to unvt account and unvt group -R option makes owner privileges recursively unvt even under html files.

sudo chown -R unvt:unvt /var/www/html

unvt@unvtportable:~ $ ls -ld /var/www/html drwxr-xr-x 2 unvt unvt 4096 Oct 3 14:41 /var/www/html

Confirm that access rights have been properly changed from root to the unvt account.

5. Data transfer by scp command

Data for transfer can be downloaded here.

Prepare a set of MapLibre-related files/folders on your local machine

  • index.html
  • main.js
  • maplibre-gl.css
  • maplibre-gl.js
  • pmtiles.js
  • style.css
  • data/
  • zxy/

Thank you for template files by @asahina820

Update this conceptual diagram for data placement rules


Data transfer from local machine side by scp command

In the local machine's terminal, move the current directory to the path of the MapLibre-related files.

cd [dataset's path]

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Don't forget to include the -r option for the scp command and upload

scp -r . unvt@unvtportable.local:/var/www/html/
taichi@MacBookProM1Pro2021 html % scp -r . unvt@unvtportable.local:/var/www/html/
unvt@unvtportable.local's password: 
maplibre-gl.js                                                                                  100% 1142KB   2.9MB/s   00:00    
._maplibre-gl.js                                                                                100% 4096   283.5KB/s   00:00    
._index.html                                                                                    100% 4096   683.6KB/s   00:00    
style.json                                                                                      100%   79KB   1.6MB/s   00:00

Thus, data transfer at once. Time for a cup of coffee.

Map display after data transfer is complete.

If you access in a web browser, you should see a MapLibre GL map.
