This module is a fork of merging some of the outstanding pull requests
I have also added the puppetlabs_spec_help functionality as used in Gareth Rushgrove's puppet-module-skeleton.
A more Puppety way of managing logrotate configs. Where possible, as many of the configuration options have remained the same with a couple of notable exceptions:
- Booleans are now used instead of the
pattern. e.g.copy
==copy => true
==copy => false
. create
and its three optional arguments have been split into seperate parameters documented below.- Instead of 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly' or 'yearly', there is a
parameter (see documentation below).
You may, optionally, define logrotate defaults using this defined type. Parameters are the same as those for logrotate::rule. Using this type will automatically include a private class that will install and configure logrotate for you.
The only thing you'll need to deal with, this type configures a logrotate rule. Using this type will automatically include a private class that will install and configure logrotate for you.
namevar - The String name of the rule.
path - The path String to the logfile(s) to be rotated.
ensure - The desired state of the logrotate rule as a String. Valid
values are 'absent' and 'present' (default: 'present').
compress - A Boolean value specifying whether the rotated logs should
be compressed (optional).
compresscmd - The command String that should be executed to compress the
rotated logs (optional).
compressext - The extention String to be appended to the rotated log files
after they have been compressed (optional).
compressoptions - A String of command line options to be passed to the
compression program specified in `compresscmd` (optional).
copy - A Boolean specifying whether logrotate should just take a
copy of the log file and not touch the original (optional).
copytruncate - A Boolean specifying whether logrotate should truncate the
original log file after taking a copy (optional).
create - A Boolean specifying whether logrotate should create a new
log file immediately after rotation (optional).
create_mode - An octal mode String logrotate should apply to the newly
created log file if create => true (optional).
create_owner - A username String that logrotate should set the owner of the
newly created log file to if create => true (optional).
create_group - A String group name that logrotate should apply to the newly
created log file if create => true (optional).
dateext - A Boolean specifying whether rotated log files should be
archived by adding a date extension rather just a number
dateformat - The format String to be used for `dateext` (optional).
Valid specifiers are '%Y', '%m', '%d' and '%s'.
delaycompress - A Boolean specifying whether compression of the rotated
log file should be delayed until the next logrotate run
extension - Log files with this extension String are allowed to keep it
after rotation (optional).
ifempty - A Boolean specifying whether the log file should be rotated
even if it is empty (optional).
mail - The email address String that logs that are about to be
rotated out of existence are emailed to (optional).
mailfirst - A Boolean that when used with `mail` has logrotate email the
just rotated file rather than the about to expire file
maillast - A Boolean that when used with `mail` has logrotate email the
about to expire file rather than the just rotated file
maxage - The Integer maximum number of days that a rotated log file
can stay on the system (optional).
minsize - The String minimum size a log file must be to be rotated,
but not before the scheduled rotation time (optional).
The default units are bytes, append k, M or G for kilobytes,
megabytes and gigabytes respectively.
maxsize - The String maximum size a log file may be to be rotated;
When maxsize is used, both the size and timestamp of a log
file are considered for rotation.
The default units are bytes, append k, M or G for kilobytes,
megabytes and gigabytes respectively.
missingok - A Boolean specifying whether logrotate should ignore missing
log files or issue an error (optional).
olddir - A String path to a directory that rotated logs should be
moved to (optional).
postrotate - A command String that should be executed by /bin/sh after
the log file is rotated (optional).
prerotate - A command String that should be executed by /bin/sh before
the log file is rotated and only if it will be rotated
firstaction - A command String that should be executed by /bin/sh once
before all log files that match the wildcard pattern are
rotated (optional).
lastaction - A command String that should be execute by /bin/sh once
after all the log files that match the wildcard pattern are
rotated (optional).
rotate - The Integer number of rotated log files to keep on disk
rotate_every - How often the log files should be rotated as a String.
Valid values are 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month' and 'year'
(optional). Please note, older versions of logrotate do not
support yearly log rotation.
size - The String size a log file has to reach before it will be
rotated (optional). The default units are bytes, append k,
M or G for kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes respectively.
sharedscripts - A Boolean specifying whether logrotate should run the
postrotate and prerotate scripts for each matching file or
just once (optional).
shred - A Boolean specifying whether logs should be deleted with
shred instead of unlink (optional).
shredcycles - The Integer number of times shred should overwrite log files
before unlinking them (optional).
start - The Integer number to be used as the base for the extensions
appended to the rotated log files (optional).
su - A Boolean specifying whether logrotate should rotate under
the specific su_owner and su_group instead of the default.
First available in logrotate 3.8.0. (optional)
su_owner - A username String that logrotate should use to rotate a
log file set instead of using the default if
su => true (optional).
su_group - A String group name that logrotate should use to rotate a
log file set instead of using the default if
su => true (optional).
uncompresscmd - The String command to be used to uncompress log files
Further details about these options can be found by reading man 8 logrotate
You may, optionally, declare the main ::logrotate
class to adjust some of the
defaults that are used when installing the logrotate package and creating the
main /etc/logrotate.conf
configuration file.
This example will ensure that the logrotate package is latest and that the dateext
and compress
options are added to the defaults for a node.
class { '::logrotate':
ensure => 'latest',
config => {
dateext => true,
compress => true,
logrotate::conf { '/etc/logrotate.conf':
rotate => 10,
rotate_every => 'week',
ifempty => true,
dateext => true,
logrotate::rule { 'messages':
path => '/var/log/messages',
rotate => 5,
rotate_every => 'week',
postrotate => '/usr/bin/killall -HUP syslogd',
logrotate::rule { 'apache':
path => '/var/log/httpd/*.log',
rotate => 5,
mail => '',
size => '100k',
sharedscripts => true,
postrotate => '/etc/init.d/httpd restart',