- Overview
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
Manage yum.conf
and schedule automatic yum updates.
Default behaviour is for the module to hash the node's IP address to generate an hour and a minute for the update cron job to run, to stagger yum updates across your esate between 02:00 and 07:59 on weekdays.
Cron hour that the update job should run, from 0-23. Default: $::cron_hour
(a random value between 2-7)
Cron minute that the update job should run, from 0-59. Default: $::cron_minute
(a random value between 0-59)
Day(s) of the week that the update job should run, specified as an array. Default: ['1-5']
(weekdays only)
Array of packages to exclude from the update job
include ::yumupdate
If you want to force the same time on every node, set these parameters:
class { 'yumupdate':
hour => 5,
minute => 30,
Example where we don't upgrade the kernel:
class { 'yumupdate':
exclude => ['kernel'],
Only works on systems that use Yum for package management. Designed with CentOS but should work on any RHEL-compatible Linux distribution.
Pull requests welcome.