cd ~/<path_to_this_repo>
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
- Pull "red" colored power switch.
- Wait for status LED to turn solid yellow.
- Open chrome browser and type to access Franka Desk.
- Unlock the joints by clicking unlock icon.
- Go to the hamburger menu and click Active FCI. Let it remain active.
- Open Franka Desk.
- Deactivate FCI.
- Go to the hamburger menu and select shutdown robot.
- Once Franka Desk says it is okay to power off, then press the red power switch.
Every micro PC computer in the lab has a desktop folder called CSC496. In that folder there are four scripts.
# Builds docker containers (already done for you)
# Starts the docker containers (run once to get started)
# Run in every terminal in host machine where you want to access container's terminal
# Run to close the container once you are done with all your work
Once you have started the docker container and are in the docker terminal, you can access the libfranka source code and compiled files in the following folders:
# Source code can be found in the examples folder.
# Build directory contains examples folder where all the compiled examples are ready to run
If you make any changes in the libfranka cpp files, you will then need to build the files again.
Note that in order to run any of the examples, you need to include the ip address of the Franka:
# Example
Make sure two franka controller pcs are connected via ethernet cable directly, and set the static ip in the same subnet (x's): On the teaching lab computer, there should be in settings->network an ip address config: test_teleop or similar name, which should set the IP of the computer correctly. If not ask the TA for correct IP address.
On one computer with ip: <hal>, start the follower:
cd build
./run_follower_franka <port> <robot_ip> <follower_options>
# example
./run_follower_franka 2233 1
- no motion scaling
- scaled motion
Note on the teaching lab computer, static ip should be <hal> =
On another computer, start the leader:
cd build
./run_follower_franka <port> <hal> <robot_ip> <leader_options>
# example
./run_leader_franka 2233 <hal> 1
- no feedback from follower
- position feedback from follower
- ext torque feedback from follower