- Install hardhat
- Install node modules - run 'yarn' or 'npm install'
- Run hardhat local network - In project root open terminal window and run 'npx hardhat node'
- In the same terminal where you deployed Upala run 'npx hardhat test test/upala.js'
- Run hardhat local network - In project root open terminal window and run 'npx hardhat node'
- Deploy Upala - In project root open another terminal window and run 'npx hardhat run scripts/upala-admin.js'
- In upala project root. Copy-paste secrets-template.js to secrets.js (don't need any data there until you deploy to a live network).
- To deploy to a network run 'npx hardhat run scripts/upala-admin.js --network test-net-name' where test-net-name = main | rinkeby | goerli | mumbai...
See instructions in /scripts/prepare-upgrade.js