A Personal Portfolio is a web site that showcases your personal work.
It can serve as a resume that people can interact with to see examples of the work in question.
- Your full name
- Your Github username, with a link to your GitHub Repos page.
- Your public social media accounts, with links.
- Your LinkedIn account.
- Your current home city and state. do not list your street address or zip code.
- How to contact you.
- Consider what information you want to be available when anyone searches for your name.
- Email, phone, other.
Understand and use the following:
- React
- React Router
- Whitespace using margin and padding
- Typography improvements
- Text spacing
- Color and contrast
- Using images
These stories are highly customizable. Subpages are described below, but do not feel you need to follow their construction or order specifically. We will be looking for the following information to be present on your portfolio, but you may present it however fits your personality.
The only things required are a persistent nav bar/menu and a persistent footer.
Should have:
- A profile image of you.
- A short description of who you are, for example:
A passionate web developer looking to make a difference in the world.
- Links to the following sub-pages.
- About Me
- Projects or Portfolio
- Hobbies and Interests
- Work History
- Contact Me Form
- Build a page that includes basic details about your history as a person such as:
- What interests you
- Where you grew up
- Why you got into programming
- A list of all the repos on your personal Github account
- You can generate this using the GitHub Rest API
- You can also simply list the projects manually.
- Link to the completed or in progress project repositories for this bootcamp.
- Use links to your Github repositories and/or links to your deployed projects, possibly with cover screenshots.
- Make sure the links are up to date!
- Add cover screenshots for each project.
- Optionally add a separate page for each with a description of the objectives, your approach to solving the project, and anything else that you learned.
- Optionally record a video showing your walk-through of the project program or application in use.
- Hobbies
- Do you play any instruments or play in a band?
- Are you on a sports team like baseball, ultimate frisbee or softball?
- Are you passionate about an outdoor sport such as skiing, rock climbing, mountain biking, kayaking or something else?
- Do you volunteer at a local animal shelter, food shelf, or school board?
A web version of your resume with basic formatting. Make sure to include the following.
- Your career goal(s).
- Prior employers going back ten years.
- Personal skills and experience.
- e.g. HTML / CSS / JavaScript / Web Development / Git / Command Line
Link to a downloadable version of your resume such as a PDF.
<a href="/assets/my-resume.pdf" download>
<img src="/images/my-resume-cover.jpg" alt="My Personal Resume Screenshot">
This should persist across all other pages of your site.
- Build a "Nav Bar" using a consistent UI on each page, with links to the various other pages of your portfolio.
- Style the navigation bar using Flexbox or CSS Grid.
- Navigation https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_navbar.asp
- Drop Downs https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_dropdowns.asp
- Icon Navigation https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_css_icon_bar.asp
- Hamburger Menu Icon https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_css_menu_icon.asp
- Responsive Top Navigation https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_topnav_responsive.asp
Add a persistent footer to your portfolio page which should include:
- Contact Info
- CopyWrite Info
- Social Media Links
- Basic links to other pages
- Sticky Footer Example https://css-tricks.com/couple-takes-sticky-footer/
- Basic Sticky Example https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_css_fixed_footer.asp
- Make the page mobile responsive. There are various styling libraries you can incorporate that would make this easier.
- Use a styling OR animation library to bring personality to your page. For this icebox, we will also accept using Sass.
- Host your site live on the internet. There are a number of options available to do so, but we would suggest checking out: Netlify, Vercel, and GitHub Pages.