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Anna Gerber edited this page Apr 8, 2014 · 10 revisions

To try lorestore, download the prebuilt war file.

The default configuration runs lorestore on localhost:8080 on a Mac OSX or linux system. To run with the default configuration:

  1. Create a mysql database 'lorestore' accessed by user 'lorestore' using password 'lorestorepwd'

    mysql> create database lorestore;

    mysql> grant all privileges on lorestore.* to 'lorestore'@'localhost' identified by 'lorestorepwd';

  2. Create directory /usr/share/lorestore with appropriate file permissions

  3. Deploy war file to Apache Tomcat running on localhost port 8080

  4. Go to http://localhost:8080/lorestore/ and sign in using the default admin account ( admin / adminpwd ). Content management and user account management links are located in the drop-down menu at the top right next to your username.

If you are on a Windows system or wish to change the default configuration, create a file named '' in the tomcat lib directory, and override the default property values in that file. Example override values:

For example to configure to use Drupal authentication rather than the emmet user accounts, override the following propertes:
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