Generates a small dockerized tool that notifies Datadog whenever a build is successfully deployed.
The format for the event content is:
release-[environment]: [version]
where [environment] is generally something like "prod" or "staging" and [version] is whatever you are using for version identification (usually a semver, a hash, or a timestamp)
When running the program or the docker instance, the following environment variables need to be set:
- dd_api_key = a write-allowed API key created in
- dd_release_environment = the name of the environment being deployed to
- dd_release_version = the version fo the code being deployed
For example:
image: urbint/drone-datadog
dd_api_key: 1234567890abcdefg1234567890abcde
dd_release_version: ${DRONE_COMMIT}
dd_release_environment: staging
branch: master