Buckit is a simple "server" that sits in front of S3 and serves protected content - no need to expose your S3 bucket to the world or enable bucket website mode.
- Multiple buckets are supported
- Each bucket can have custom credentials
- Dynamic config
- Create a buckit config file:
. Example:
Port: 9006
ShutdownTimeout: 20s
- HostName: foo.com
BucketName: foo-source-bucket
Region: us-east-1
- HostName: bar.com
BucketName: bar-source-bucket
Region: us-east-1
- Run buckit
- Running via Docker
docker run --rm --name buckit -v $PWD/.buckit.yaml:/.buckit.yaml ghcr.io/urjitbhatia/buckit:master -c /.buckit.yaml"
- Running directly from source
go run main.go
- Fetch content from your bucket
curl -H"Host:foo.com" localhost:9006/index.html