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SwiftUI-UDF WebSockets Client

UDFWebSocketsClient is a Swift-based library designed to facilitate WebSocket communication with reactive support using Combine. The library is built on top of ActionCableSwift, NIO, and WebSocketKit, allowing seamless WebSocket integration with a UDF (Unidirectional Data Flow) architecture.


  • WebSocket connection management: Open and close WebSocket connections with ease.
  • Reactive WebSocket communication: Support for Combine-based publishers to process incoming WebSocket messages.
  • ActionCable integration: Leverage ActionCableSwift to interact with ActionCable servers.
  • Thread-safe state management: Utilize atomic properties and ensure safe concurrent access to WebSocket resources.
  • Customizable Mappers: Map WebSocket messages into specific outputs and corresponding actions based on your application state.
  • Debounce and Event Handling: Control WebSocket message processing with built-in debouncing and isolated state handling.


Swift Package Manager

To add UDFWebSocketsClient to your project, add the following dependency to your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")

Getting Started

Basic Usage

Here’s a simple example of how to use WSS (WebSocket Service) for managing WebSocket connections and sending/receiving messages.

Initialize the WebSocket Connection

UDFWebSocketsClient Middleware Example

This example demonstrates how to implement and use a WebSocket client with UDF middleware to manage WebSocket connections, process incoming messages, and map them to actions in a SwiftUI-based application using the UDF architecture.

WebSocketsMiddleware Overview

The WebSocketsMiddleware class handles WebSocket connections and channel subscriptions using the SocketChannelEffect. It manages WebSocket lifecycle events, including connecting and disconnecting clients and channels, and maps incoming messages into actions using the outputMapper and actionMapper.

The following example includes a WebSocketsMiddleware implementation with both a live environment for production and a test environment for testing purposes.

WebSocketsMiddleware Implementation

Middleware subscription:

store.subscribeAsync(WebSocketsMiddleware.self, on: DispatchQueue(label: "WebSocketsMiddleware", qos: .background))

Middleware example:

import Foundation
import UDF
import Combine
import API
import UDFWebSocketsClient

final class WebSocketsMiddleware: BaseReducibleMiddleware<AppState> {
    enum Cancellation: Hashable {
        case socketChannelChats
        case socketChannelChat(Chat.ID)

    struct Environment {
        var clientBuilder: (_ token: String) -> ACClient
        var channelBuilder: (_ client: ACClient?, _ name: String, _ identifier: [String: Any]?) -> ACChannel?

    var environment: Environment!
    private var client: ACClient? = nil

    func reduce(_ action: some Action, for state: AppState) {
        switch action {
        case is Actions.Logout:
            client = nil

        case let action as Actions.DidReceiveCurrentUser:
            guard client == nil, let token = action.user.token else { break }
            client = environment.clientBuilder(token)


        case let action as Actions.UpdateAppStatus where action.appStatus == .active && client == nil && state.userForm.isLoggedIn == true:
            client = environment.clientBuilder(state.userForm.token)


        case let action as Actions.ConnectChat:
                    store: store,
                    channelBuilder: { [unowned self] in
                            [SocketChannel.Param.chatId(): String(]
                    outputMapper: ChatChannelOutputMapper(),
                    actionMapper: ChatChannelActionsMapper(),
                    queue: queue
                cancellation: Cancellation.socketChannelChat(

        case let action as Actions.DisconnectChat:
            cancel(by: Cancellation.socketChannelChat(


    func runNotificationSocketEffects(_ state: AppState) {
                store: store,
                channelBuilder: { [unowned self] in
                    environment.channelBuilder(client, SocketChannel.notification(), nil)
                outputMapper: NotificationChannelOutputMapper(),
                actionMapper: NotificationChannelActionMapper(),
                queue: queue
            cancellation: Cancellation.socketChannelChats

extension WebSocketsMiddleware {

    static func buildLiveEnvironment(for store: some Store<AppState>) -> Environment {
            clientBuilder: { token in
                let host: String = EnvironmentConfig.value(for: .baseAPIKey)
                let cableToken = token.dropFirst(7)
                let ws: WSS = .init(stringURL: "wss://\(host)/cable?token=\(cableToken)")
                let clientOptions: ACClientOptions = .init(debug: false, reconnect: true)
                return ACClient(ws: ws, options: clientOptions)
            channelBuilder: { client, name, identifier in
                let channelOptions: ACChannelOptions = .init(buffering: false, autoSubscribe: true)
                return client?.makeChannel(name: name, identifier: identifier ?? [:], options: channelOptions)

    static func buildTestEnvironment(for store: some Store<AppState>) -> Environment {
            clientBuilder: { token in
                let ws: WSS = .init(stringURL: "ws://localhost:3001/cable")
                let clientOptions: ACClientOptions = .init(debug: false, reconnect: true)
                return ACClient(ws: ws, options: clientOptions)
            channelBuilder: { client, name, identifier in
                let channelOptions: ACChannelOptions = .init(buffering: false, autoSubscribe: true)
                return client?.makeChannel(name: name, identifier: identifier ?? [:], options: channelOptions)

ChannelActionsMapping implementation example:

import Foundation
import UDF
import UDFWebSocketsClient

struct NotificationChannelActionMapper: ChannelActionsMapping {
    func mapAction(from output: NotificationChannelOutput, state: AppState) -> any Action {
        let flowId =

        return ActionGroup {
            switch output {
            case .newChat(let chat):
                if let lastMessage = chat.lastMessage?.asMessage {
                    Actions.DidLoadItem(item: lastMessage, id: flowId)
                    Actions.DidLoadNestedItem(parentId:, item:, id: flowId)
                Actions.DidLoadItem(item: chat.asChat, id: flowId)
            case .updateChat(let chat):
                Actions.DidUpdateItem(item: chat.asChat, id: flowId)
                if (state.chatForm.chatId?.value != || !state.chatForm.isChatConnected),
                   let lastMessageRemote = chat.lastMessage {
                    let lastMessage = lastMessageRemote.asMessage
                    Actions.DidLoadItem(item: lastMessage, id: flowId)
                    Actions.DidLoadNestedItem(parentId:, item:, id: flowId)
                    Actions.DidLoadItem(item: lastMessageRemote.user.asUser, id: flowId)

ACCChannelOutputMapping implementation example:

import Foundation
import API
import UDFWebSocketsClient

struct NotificationChannelOutputMapper: ACCChannelOutputMapping {
    enum MessageType: String, Codable {
        case newChat = "new_chat"
        case updateChat = "update_chat"

    let decoder: JSONDecoder = {
        let decoder = JSONDecoder()
        decoder.dateDecodingStrategy = .iso8601
        return decoder

    func map(from message: ACMessage) -> NotificationChannelOutput? {
            message.type == .message,
            let messageTypeValue = message.typeData,
            let messageType = decoder.decodeSafely(
                MessageType.self, from: messageTypeValue
            let textData = message.textData
        else {
            return nil

        switch messageType {
        case .newChat:
            return decoder.decodeSafely(ChatRemote.self, from: textData).map(Output.newChat)
        case .updateChat:
            return decoder.decodeSafely(ChatRemote.self, from: textData).map(Output.updateChat)

Error Handling

When errors occur (such as WebSocket disconnections or message parsing issues), SocketChannelEffect automatically maps these errors to actions and can be handled in your application’s state.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any bug reports, feature requests, or suggestions, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


For questions or support, feel free to contact us at