A little bit of explanation in here. My school, has a website that shows our school calendar. The problem is that for some reason they dont have an export function. Back in 2020 I just developped a quick but tedious script to extract the webpage and then transform it into csv/ical format so it can be imported into normal calendars.
When the script python3 edt3il.py
is executed it asks for what level (I1, I2, I3) and the group. It takes the website and outputs a csv.
Here is a tutorial to import a csv manually into Google Calendar
If any issues, open a ticket.
Python 3 and pip needed.
The dependencies numpy csv re datetime beautifulsoup4 csv-ical
The command to install dependencies :
pip install numpy regex datetime beautifulsoup4 csv-ical
To keep it continually running you can run a CRON job in Linux/MacOS by using crontab