You can write stories. You can play games.
These stories and games let you complete small or big things with people together.
You do things you are interested in and get an income.
Make your life better. Make the world better.
npm install
npm start
Create a new process via CLI -- this will be the server
aos splx --sqlite
Load the program
.load lua/life-app.lua
Create another process via CLI -- this will be the client
DO NOT USE EXISTING CLIENT (v1 -> v2 upgrade)
aos personal
Run a quick test via personal
Target = "N54e6k_gxasjr_xBa5uKhEqH7tswR00NBtqskZrI9sQ",
Action = "SendPost",
Data = "{\"id\": \"test_post_123\", \"address\": \"test_address_abc\", \"post\": \"This is a test post content.\", \"range\": \"public\", \"likes\": 0, \"replies\": 0, \"coins\": 0, \"time\": 1686123456}"