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Release v3.0.0-beta.19

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@rjmackay rjmackay released this 18 Jun 10:38
· 5079 commits to develop since this release

New Features

  • Manage post types through the settings UI.

    Add, edit and remove post types. Create a post type, add steps, add fields.. build out your data collection requirements as you need.


  • Lots of fixes to styling, particularly on forms
  • Add a new modal directive - already put to use in the Post Type settings
  • Rebuilt the API for fetching and querying the posts in a collection
  • Split the sets API into collection and saved searches API's
  • Tidy up the readme on the frontend and API
  • Update Vagrant install scripts for a simpler mysql setup
  • Clean up the DB schema: remove unused tasks table, add default roles, add a foreign key on roles in the users table.

Coming up next

  • Create, edit and view saved searches and collections of posts
  • Show post steps when creating and editing a post. Mark steps as complete.