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🚀 Hyperledger Fabric & Explorer Development Environment

A streamlined setup for developing, testing, and managing a Hyperledger Fabric network, integrated seamlessly with Hyperledger Explorer for real-time network visibility.

⚙️ Getting Started

🔧 1. Start the Network with Explorer

To start the network, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the test-network directory:

    cd test-network
  2. Launch the network with the following command:

    ./ up createChannel -c mychannel -ca

    This will spin up the Fabric network and create a channel named mychannel. Additionally, the -ca flag starts the Certificate Authority (CA) services for the network.

  3. Adding a new peer to Org1?
    Simply use the commands provided in the script to quickly set up a peer for Org1.

  4. Once the network is up and running, Explorer will be available at port 8090.

    Access it via your browser at:


    🔍 Explorer Dashboard:
    Hyperledger Explorer provides a user-friendly interface to monitor and explore your network’s transactions, blocks, chaincodes, and peers.

🛠 Troubleshooting:

  • Explorer not accessible on port 8090?
    If you're unable to access Explorer, try restarting it from the Docker console.
    Run the following command to stop and restart the Docker services:
    docker-compose -f explorer/docker-compose-explorer.yaml down
    docker-compose -f explorer/docker-compose-explorer.yaml up -d

🔻 2. Stop the Network

When your development or testing session is complete, you can bring the network down with the following command:

./ down

⚠️ Important:
After stopping the network, it's essential to ensure that all Docker volumes are properly removed. This will prevent potential issues when restarting the network for future sessions.

💻 Running the Asset-Transfer-Basic Application

To explore and test chaincode functionality, you can run the Asset-Transfer-Basic application. Follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Asset Transfer Directory:

    cd asset-transfer-basic/application-gateway-typescript
  2. Install required dependencies using yarn:

    yarn install
  3. Start the application by running:

    cd src
    ts-node app.js

🚀 Testing Chaincode Methods

You can test various functionalities of the Asset Transfer chaincode by enabling/disabling the provided methods in the app.js file. Here’s an example of how you can customize which functions to run:

// Initialize a set of asset data on the ledger using the chaincode 'InitLedger' function.
// await initLedger(contract);

// Return all the current assets on the ledger.
await getAllAssets(contract);

// Create a new asset on the ledger.
// await createAsset(contract);

// Update an existing asset asynchronously.
// await transferAssetAsync(contract);

// Get the asset details by assetID.
// await readAssetByID(contract);

// Update an asset which does not exist.
// await updateNonExistentAsset(contract);

🔑 Tip:
Simply uncomment the method(s) you want to test and comment out the ones you don't. This way, you can control which operations to perform on the ledger.

📋 Key Features of the Setup:

  • Fabric Network: A customizable, multi-org, multi-peer Hyperledger Fabric network.
  • Explorer Integration: Real-time monitoring of the network, including transactions, chaincodes, and blocks via Hyperledger Explorer.
  • Chaincode Testing: A ready-to-go asset transfer chaincode application in TypeScript for testing and development.

🧑‍💻 Additional Resources:

🎉 Happy Developing with Hyperledger Fabric & Explorer! 🎉