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Onboarding Submission Guide

MorrisYLin edited this page Sep 30, 2024 · 3 revisions

1. Open Git Bash, switch to onboard branch


2. Pull most recent changes from github


3. Create directory for your submission


4. Copy over files from other directory

Using a *, known as a "wildcard", allows you to use a command on multiple files. Ex: *.txt to act on all txt files in the working directory, or projName.kicad_* for all kicad-type files


5. Add changes (new files in this case)

You can ignore the LF will be replaced by CRLF the next time Git touches it warning. This is a quirk of how Windows, Linux, and Mac OS use CRLF, LF, and CR respectively (different ASCII characters) to mark line endings in text. Git prefers the Linux style, but we are using it on Windows.


6. Commit changes


7. Push!


8. Check changes via git status

git remote update has git check the remote repositories (This github repository here) for any changes. Running git status afterwards lets us check if anything has changed.
