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Instructions for compiling kernel

Start with Ubuntu 20 or 22. We assume gcc is installed.

Install dependencies

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install build-essential tmux git pkg-config cmake zsh
sudo apt-get install libncurses-dev gawk flex bison openssl libssl-dev dkms libelf-dev libiberty-dev autoconf zstd
sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev binutils-dev libnl-3-dev
sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils cpufrequtils 

Compile kernel

Clone Go in the directory and run, it should do everything.

If you are running with a monitor, reboot and choose the new kernel in grub. Otherwise, make the new kernel the default by:

  1. Open /boot/grub/grub.cfg, scroll down until you see boot options, then write down the id for the advanced menu and the id for the 6.0-lake. You can use cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep submenu and cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep option | grep 6.0.0-lake to get the id for the advanced menu and the 6.0-lake respectively.
  2. Join them (advanced menu and kernel id), in that order with a >. For example: gnulinux-advanced-11b57fec-e05f-4c4d-8d80-445381841fa1>gnulinux-6.0-hack-advanced-11b57fec-e05f-4c4d-8d80-445381841fa1
  3. Open /etc/default/grub and, at the top of the file, add a default option using the string above. For example: GRUB_DEFAULT="gnulinux-advanced-11b57fec-e05f-4c4d-8d80-445381841fa1>gnulinux-5.15.68-hack-advanced-11b57fec-e05f-4c4d-8d80-445381841fa1"
  4. Add to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT (create if it doesn't exist): cma=128M@0-4G log_buf_len=16M For example: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash cma=128M@0-4G log_buf_len=16M"
  5. Finally, run sudo update-grub. Reboot and make sure the lake kernel is right by running uname -r

Install CUDA 11.7 and driver

The link below is for Ubuntu 22.04, but it should work for other versions. If it does not, the link to download other versions is this:

sudo sh --toolkit --driver --silent

If for some reason the previous command fails to compile/install the driver, install only the CUDA toolkit and then install the driver manually:

sudo sh --toolkit --silent --override
sudo ./ -s

Always run nvidia-smi to make sure the driver is working; it should show your GPU and some information about it. Functioning GPU and CUDA installation is assumed for next steps and are not checked by our scripts.

Whenver you recompile the kernel, the driver must be reinstalled (not necessary to reinstall cuda). In this case, run the two latter commands above, which are:

sudo ./ -s

Basic Test

The script runs the hello module and echo success if all the steps were successful. It also prints the steps to be taken in case running LAKE system fails. To run it, just do ./ from the home directory of LAKE.