I'm a software engineer for technical-scientific applications having M.Sc. degrees in Computer Sciences and Mathematics. For software development on various platforms (Windows, Linux, macOS) I mainly use the programming languages C++, Java, and Fortran.
- PDF technologies
- Database management systems (design and architecture)
- XML/XSLT processing
- I18N (Internationalization) technologies
Since about 2005 I'm involved in Open Source software development.
My components for wxWidgets-based applications
- wxSQLite3 - SQLite3 wrapper (with encryption support)
- wxPdfDocument - Generation of PDF documents
- wxChartDir - Support for using the ChartDirector library
- SQLite3 Multiple Ciphers - SQLite3 extension with support for multiple cipher schemes
- apsw-sqlite3mc - a SQLite wrapper for Python3 applications, combining the SQLite wrapper APSW of Roger Binns and the SQLite encryption extension SQLite3 Multiple Ciphers to allow reading and writing encrypted SQLite databases from Python applications. apsw-sqlite3mc was developed in close cooperation with Roger Binns.
- libcurl - A library for transferring data with URL syntax
- libxlsxwriter - A C library for creating Excel XLSX files
- sqleet - SQLite3 encryption that sucks less
- wxWidgets - Cross-Platform GUI Library
- libexpat - Fast streaming XML parser library
- Lua - Powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language
- muparser - Fast math parser library
- OpenSSL - Cryptography and SSL/TLS Toolkit
- Sablotron - XSLT processor written in C++
- 📧 github@telle-online.de
- 🏠 Homepage (currently in German only)
- 🔗 LinkedIn Profile