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REST API for Liiku-ulkona-app that provides sports-places for Helsinki city specifically. The data is orginally fetched and saved from open data of Finnish sports-places Lipas. Lipas is a nationwide, public GIS service for Finnish sport sites.

App Flow

✔️ Requirements

Node (versions 14.X.X are tested, but later versions might work as well) and npm. If you haven't installed Node or npm, nvm is an easy to use tool for installing both. Nvm is also handy if you want to quickly switch between different Node versions.

Getting started


To get the Node server running locally.

git clone
cd liiku-ulkona-api

Set up the local environment

Create a file .env in the liiku-ulkona-api directory and copy the contents of the .env.template file there. In the .env file, replace DB_URL variable values with your MongoDB URL. If you want, you can also use a different secret for the JWT_SECRET variable, which is used to sign access tokens.

All done! Just run following commands on project path

$ npm install
$ npm start

Your app should now be running on localhost:8000


GET /activities

Returns a list of sport places. Example:

        "type": {
            "name": "Boating services",
            "typeCode": 203
        "location": {
            "coordinates": {
                "lon": 24.9007445076357,
                "lat": 60.1861647846836
            "address": "Seurasaarentie 2a"
        "_id": "61879fc3daba1e5d9b24df5b",
        "sportsPlaceId": 72985,
        "name": "Seurasaarentien venesatama (Meilahden veneilijät Ry)",
        "__v": 0

GET /activities?code=<value-here>

Returns a list of all matching activities with the given type code. Example response with value 4440.

        "type": {
            "name": "Dog skijoring track",
            "typeCode": 4440
        "location": {
            "coordinates": {
                "lon": 24.9494484499631,
                "lat": 60.2671849649563
            "address": "Kuusimiehentie"
        "_id": "61879fc3daba1e5d9b24e86c",
        "sportsPlaceId": 527177,
        "name": "Paloheinän vetokoiralatu",
        "__v": 0

GET /activity/types

Returns a list of all sport places types. Example:

        "_id": "618642dd5a02f589c1d04ca5",
        "typeCode": 4210,
        "name": "Curling sheet"

GET /activity/types?name=<value-here>

Returns a list of all matching activity types with the given name. Example response with value swimming pool.

        "_id": "618642dd5a02f589c1d04cfb",
        "typeCode": 3120,
        "name": "Swimming pool"
        "_id": "618642dd5a02f589c1d04d22",
        "typeCode": 3110,
        "name": "Public indoor swimming pool"

POST /auth/

Authentication route

POST /auth/login

Endpoint to Sign In with email & password.

POST /auth/register

Endpoint to Register new user account.

GET /users/

Returns list of all registered users. Example:

        "_id": "61ae8363b23121383c1a0e51",
        "username": "test user",
        "points": 36

GET /users/<user-id>

Returns a single user.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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