It creates a sidecar proxy to be used with distributed applications in a microservices/kubernetes setup. Proxy2 has a simple python proxy which inserts a jaeger tracing header into incoming HTTP requests.
This helps minimal changes to existing applications and create a tracing infrastructure for looking at data-flow paths in large scale apps.
Pod contains IP Tables rule to forward any incoming application request to the proxy's port.
proxy_bookinfo.yaml is sample istio application which has the necessary proxy and jaeger agent inserted.
Build proxy:
cd proxy2
Flask: docker build -f Dockerfile -t <org-name>/flask_proxy
Socket: docker build -f Dockerfile_socket -t <org-name>/socket_proxy
Build init pod:
cd pod
docker build -f Dockerfile -t <org-name>/init-container
Make sure that the bookinfo yaml file proxy/init-container image names are properly set.
Push both these images to your org dockerhub:
docker push <org-name>/<proxy/init-container>
Setup kubernetes cluster by running
Setup jaeger by running
Deploy bookinfo: kubectl apply -f proxy_bookinfo.yaml
Access the bookinfo app: <IP>:32080/productpage
Access the jaeger UI: <IP>:80/search