This is the development branch of an attempt to containerize OpenOnDemand 3.1 for UVA Research Computing's system
- Purpose: This container sets up a Rocky Linux 8.9 environment with Apache HTTP Server configured with PAM authentication and OnDemand (OOD) portal.
- Author: Adam Eubanks, Jinwoo Kim
#Dependency Installation
dnf install -y mod_authnz_pam passwd openssh-server && \
#Followed PAM tutorial in references
RUN sudo echo "LoadModule authnz_pam_module modules/" > /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/55-authnz_pam.conf
RUN sudo chmod 640 /etc/shadow
RUN sudo chgrp apache /etc/shadow
# Configuring the basic authentication to use PAM
RUN echo "auth required" > /etc/pam.d/ood && \
echo "account required" >> /etc/pam.d/ood
# Create a basic system user with user: username and pass: password
# RUN useradd [username] && \
# echo "[username]:[password]" | chpasswd
# Replace [username] and [password] with desired username and password
RUN useradd username && \
echo "username:password" | chpasswd
#ood_portal.yml configuration for PAM authentication
- 'AuthType Basic'
- 'AuthName "Open OnDemand"'
- 'AuthBasicProvider PAM'
- 'AuthPAMService ood'
- 'Require valid-user'
user_map_match: '.*'
docker build -t ondemand .
docker run -d -p 8080:80 -t ondemand