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Uncovering the Effects of Biases in Pretrained Visual Recognition Models

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Uncovering the Effects of Biases in Pretrained Visual Recognition Models

Jaspreet Ranjit, Tianlu Wang, Baishakhi Ray, Vicente Ordóñez AFT 2023


# ensure conda is installed
# gather the dependencies for running scripts in this repo
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate bias_vision

Setup experiments/ folder

python \
    --model_list <list of models to test> \
    --training_datasets <list of training datasets to test>

For example, if I have two training datasets: ['coco', 'openimages'] and two models ['model_one', 'model_two']

python --model_list model_one, model_two --training_datasets coco openimages --initial_setup

Setup Datasets

We currently support finetuning on the following datasets: COCO 2017 and Open Images, please refer to section "Training on an additional dataset" for details on how to add an additional dataset for finetuning

  1. COCO 2017: Download and setup images and annotations here

  2. Open Images: Download and setup images and annotations here

Setup Models

  1. To use SimCLR ResNet50: Firstly, download and unzip the checkpoints from SimCLR repo, you will get 3 folders: ResNet50_1x, ResNet50_2x, and ResNet50_4x.

  2. From simclr-converter Run the following commands to convert the 3 checkpoints:

    python ResNet50_1x/model.ckpt-225206 resnet50-1x.pth
    python ResNet50_2x/model.ckpt-225206 resnet50-2x.pth
    python ResNet50_4x/model.ckpt-225206 resnet50-4x.pth

    You will get 3 PyTorch checkpoints, resnet50-1x.pth, resnet50-2x.pth, resnet50-4x.pth. The model definition is in Ensure resnet50-1x.pth is located in models_def/ResNet50_1x/resnet50-1x.pth.

Not yet tested on simclrv2

  1. To use MoCo ResNet50, download MoCo v1 from here and place the .tar file in models_def/ directory


Currently, this repo supports the following six features:

  1. Feature extraction for a finetuned model on a specified analysis set: extracting features from a loaded pretrained model (model with loaded weights) and that same model after it has been finetuned. The following command also runs bias analysis on the extracted features with the --bias_analysis flag.
    --model_name <name of finetuned model: e.g. 'bit_resnet50'> \
    --dataset <name of dataset the model was finetuned on: e.g. 'coco'> \
    --num_classes <number of classes /in dataset the model was finetuned on: e.g. 80> \
    --extract_cross_analysis_features \
    --analysis_set <name of analysis set: e.g. 'openimages'> \
    --analysis_set_path <path to analysis set dataset> \
    --config_file <analysis set config: e.g. 'config/openimages.yaml'> \ 
    --trial_path < path to finetuned model: e.g. 'experiments/coco/bit_resnet50/2022-01-21\ 19\:03\:29'> \
    --bias_analysis \
  1. Feature extraction for a pretrained model on an analysis set: extracting features from a loaded pretrained model. The following command also runs bias analysis on the extracted features with the --bias_analysis flag.
    --model_name <name of finetuned model: e.g. 'bit_resnet50'> \
    --dataset <name of dataset the model was finetuned on: e.g. 'coco'> \
    --num_classes <number of classes /in dataset the model was finetuned on: e.g. 80> \
    --pretrained_features \
    --analysis_set <name of analysis set: e.g. 'openimages'> \
    --analysis_set_path <path to analysis set dataset> \
    --config_file <analysis set config: e.g. 'config/openimages.yaml'> \ 
    --trial_path < path to finetuned model: e.g. 'experiments/coco/bit_resnet50/2022-01-21\ 19\:03\:29'> \
    --bias_analysis \
  1. Using saved features (both pretrained and finetuned) to perform bias analysis.
    --model_name <name of finetuned model: e.g. 'bit_resnet50'> \
    --dataset <name of dataset the model was finetuned on: e.g. 'coco'> \
    --num_classes <number of classes /in dataset the model was finetuned on: e.g. 80> \
    --load_features \
    --analysis_set <name of analysis set: e.g. 'openimages'> \
    --analysis_set_path <path to analysis set dataset> \
    --config_file <analysis set config: e.g. 'config/openimages.yaml'> \ 
    --trial_path < path to finetuned model: e.g. 'experiments/coco/bit_resnet50/2022-01-21\ 19\:03\:29'> \
    --bias_analysis \
  1. For a given model, average across finetuning trial runs and perform bias analysis experiment
    --model_name <name of finetuned model: e.g. 'bit_resnet50'> \
    --dataset <name of dataset the model was finetuned on: e.g. 'coco'> \
    --num_classes <number of classes in dataset the model was finetuned on> \
    --load_features \
    --multiple_trials \
    --analysis_set <name of analysis set: e.g. 'openimages'> \
    --analysis_set_path <path to analysis set dataset> \
    --config_file <analysis set config: e.g. 'config/openimages.yaml'> \ 
    --bias_analysis \
  1. Finetune an available model, perform feature extraction on analysis set and bias analysis on extracted features
    --model_name <name of finetuned model: e.g. 'bit_resnet50'> \
    --dataset <name of dataset to be finetuned on: e.g. 'coco'> \
    --dataset_path <path to dataset the model will be finetuned on> \
    --num_classes <number of classes /in dataset the model will be finetuned on: e.g. 80> \
    --batch_size <\#> \
    --epochs <\#> \
    --lr <learning rate: e.g. 0.001> \
    --lr_scheduler <e.g. 'reduce', 'cosine', 'none'>
    --momentum <\#> \
    --optimizer <e.g. 'sgd', 'adam', 'adamax', 'lars'> \
    --finetune \
    --analysis_set <name of analysis set: e.g. 'openimages'> \
    --analysis_set_path <path to analysis set dataset> \
    --config_file <analysis set config: e.g. 'config/openimages.yaml'> \ 
    --bias_analysis \
    --seed <\#>
  1. Resume training for an available model, perform feature extraction on analysis set and bias analysis on extracted features
    --model_name <name of finetuned model: e.g. 'bit_resnet50'> \
    --dataset <name of dataset to be finetuned on: e.g. 'coco'> \
    --dataset_path <path to dataset the model will be finetuned on> \
    --num_classes <number of classes /in dataset the model will be finetuned on: e.g. 80> \
    --batch_size <\#> \
    --epochs <\#, must be higher than the number of epochs the model was originally trained for> \
    --lr <learning rate: e.g. 0.001> \
    --lr_scheduler <e.g. 'reduce', 'cosine', 'none'>
    --momentum <\#> \
    --optimizer <e.g. 'sgd', 'adam', 'adamax', 'lars'> \
    --resume_training \
    --analysis_set <name of analysis set: e.g. 'openimages'> \
    --analysis_set_path <path to analysis set dataset> \
    --config_file <analysis set config: e.g. 'config/openimages.yaml'> \ 
    --bias_analysis \
    --finetune \
    --checkpoint <path to checkpoint: e.g. 'experiments/coco/resnet50/2022-01-19\ 16\:43\:15/model/resnet50/version_0/checkpoints/epoch\=24-step\=46224.ckpt'> \
    --seed <\#>

Test script

The following test script is provided to test the six features. Replace the variables with your custom environment variables to test each feature

python ./

Replicating Results

  1. To recreate Table 2, refer to the jupyter notebook: experimental_work/ieat.ipynb
  2. To recreate Table 3, Figure 3, Table 4 and Figure 4 and all the subsequent plots in the Supplementary material, it is assumed that the experiments/training_dataset/model_name/ folder contains multiple trial runs for a model, and the results are averaged across these runs. By changing the --model_name, --num_classes, --analysis_set, --analysis_set_path --config_file flags, you can generate different sets of results and plots using the saved features and finetuned models
    --model_name <name of finetuned model: e.g. 'bit_resnet50'> \
    --num_classes <number of classes in dataset the model was finetuned on> \
    --load_features \
    --multiple_trials \
    --analysis_set <name of analysis set: e.g. 'openimages'> \
    --analysis_set_path <path to analysis set dataset> \
    --config_file <analysis set config: e.g. 'config/openimages.yaml'> \ 
    --bias_analysis \
  1. We release the metadata for the finetuned models in the experiments/ directory. All the models from torchvision are saved using pytorch lightning. This directory is set up as follows:
├── coco <training dataset>
│   ├── model_one
│       ├── trial_one
│            ├── boxplots
│                ├── analysis_set_one <coco>
│                    ├── boxplot_one.pdf
│                    ...
│                    ├── boxplots_n.pdf
│                ├── analysis_set_two <openimages>
│                    ├── boxplot_one.pdf
│                    ...
│                    ├── boxplots_n.pdf
│            ├── features
│                ├── analysis_set_one <coco>
│                    ├── pretrained_features
│                        ├── feature_one.npy
│                        ...
│                        ├── feature_n.npy
│                    ├── finetuned_features
│                        ├── feature_one.npy
│                        ...
│                        ├── feature_n.npy
│                ├── analysis_set_two <openimages>
│                    ├── pretrained_features
│                        ├── feature_one.npy
│                        ...
│                        ├── feature_n.npy
│                    ├── finetuned_features
│                        ├── feature_one.npy
│                        ...
│                        ├── feature_n.npy
│            ├── metric_data
│                ├── analysis_set_one <coco>
│                    ├── metric_data.npy
│                ├── analysis_set_two <openimages>
│                    ├── metric_data.npy
│            ├── model <training metadata>
│        ├── trial_two
│        ...
│        ├── trial_x
│        ├── averaged <results from averaging across trials>
│            ├── boxplots
│                ├── analysis_set_one <coco>
│                    ├── boxplot_one.pdf
│                    ...
│                    ├── boxplots_n.pdf
│                ├── analysis_set_two <openimages>
│                    ├── boxplot_one.pdf
│                    ...
│                    ├── boxplots_n.pdf
│            ├── metric_data
│                ├── analysis_set_one <coco>
│                    ├── metric_data.npy
│                ├── analysis_set_two <openimages>
│                    ├── metric_data.npy
│   ...
│   └── model_n
├── openimages <training dataset>
│   ├── model_one
│       ├── trial_one
│            ├── boxplots
│                ├── analysis_set_one <coco>
│                    ├── boxplot_one.pdf
│                    ...
│                    ├── boxplots_n.pdf
│                ├── analysis_set_two <openimages>
│                    ├── boxplot_one.pdf
│                    ...
│                    ├── boxplots_n.pdf
│            ├── features
│                ├── analysis_set_one <coco>
│                    ├── pretrained_features
│                        ├── feature_one.npy
│                        ...
│                        ├── feature_n.npy
│                    ├── finetuned_features
│                        ├── feature_one.npy
│                        ...
│                        ├── feature_n.npy
│                ├── analysis_set_two <openimages>
│                    ├── pretrained_features
│                        ├── feature_one.npy
│                        ...
│                        ├── feature_n.npy
│                    ├── finetuned_features
│                        ├── feature_one.npy
│                        ...
│                        ├── feature_n.npy
│            ├── metric_data
│                ├── analysis_set_one <coco>
│                    ├── metric_data.npy
│                ├── analysis_set_two <openimages>
│                    ├── metric_data.npy
│            ├── model <training metadata>
│        ├── trial_two
│        ...
│        ├── trial_x
│        ├── averaged <results from averaging across trials>
│            ├── boxplots
│                ├── analysis_set_one <coco>
│                    ├── boxplot_one.pdf
│                    ...
│                    ├── boxplots_n.pdf
│                ├── analysis_set_two <openimages>
│                    ├── boxplot_one.pdf
│                    ...
│                    ├── boxplots_n.pdf
│            ├── metric_data
│                ├── analysis_set_one <coco>
│                    ├── metric_data.npy
│                ├── analysis_set_two <openimages>
│                    ├── metric_data.npy
│   ...
│   └── model_n

Customization (Note - these features are experimental)

Adding a Model

The following models have already been implemented:

['clip', 'moco_resnet50', 'simclr_resnet50','bit_resnet50', 'resnet50', 'resnet18','alexnet', 'vgg', 'densenet', 'fasterrcnn', 'retinanet', 'googlenet', 'resnet34', 
                    'resnet101', 'resnet152', 'resnext50_32x4d', 'resnext101_32x8d', 'wide_resnet50_2', 'wide_resnet101_2', 'virtex_resnet50']
  1. In, modify the models_implemented list in lightning_setup() and lightning_train() and add the name of the model
  2. In, modify load_models_pytorch() to setup the model to be trained with pytorch lightning for multi-label classification on an available dataset
  3. Lastly, set up the directory as follows: (assumes the experiments/ folder exists - see section above)
python \
    --root <path to experiments folder> \
    --model_name <name of model to add> \

For example, if I want to add a model named: resnet to all the training datasets in the experiments/ folder:

python --root experiments --model_name resnet --add_model
  1. This is discouraged but included here if absolutely necessary Note, if your model cannot be trained with pytorch lightning, you will need to define a separate function in following the example for clip: initialize_model_clip(). Additionally, you will need to add a file such as in models_def/ defining the training functions and feature extraction logic for such a model. This will also involve modifying lightning_train(), lightning_setup(), main() and extract_features() in to include separate calls for this model.

Adding an Analysis Set

  1. In analysis_sets/, create an additional directory with the name of your analysis set that specifies .txt files for each class in the set. The .txt file should contain image_ids or urls to the images in that class
  2. In config/, create a .yaml file specifying the metadata for that analysis set. Follow coco.yaml for an example. Label names and classes names categories define abbreviations to be used during plotting
  3. includes a PytorchFeatureExtractor class ( includes one as well) which includes a process_imgs() function that specifies how to access the images in the .txt files in analysis_sets/. Add in an additional line for your analysis set and modify the class attributes accordingly if needed.
  4. Set up the directory as follows: (assumes the experiments/ folder exists - see section above) root, analysis_set, model_list
python \
    --root <path to experiments folder> \
    --model_list <list of models to test> \
    --analysis_set <name of analysis_set to add> \

For example, if I want to add an analysis set named: ieat to all the training datasets in the experiments/ folder for each model in model_list:

python --root experiments --model_list model1 model2 --analysis_set ieat --add_analysis_set

Training on an additional dataset

  1. Setup up the directory as follows:
python \
    --root <path to experiments folder> \
    --model_list <list of models to test> \
    --training_set_name <list of training datasets to test>

For example, if I have two training datasets: ['coco', 'openimages'] and two models ['model_one', 'model_two', and want to add an additional training dataset: imagenet to each of the models for each of the existing training datasets

python --root experiments --model_list model_one, model_two --training_set_name imagenet --add_training_set
  1. In, add an additional class for your dataset following the examples for COCO and Openimages
  2. In, in setup_dataset(), add an additional block to setup the preprocessing and dataloaders for your new dataset


  • analysis_sets/: coco and openimages analysis sets where each subfolder contains text files for each class in an analysis sets that details image ids or urls for that dataset
  • config/: config files for each analysis set
  • cosine_analysis/: functions to replicate results from paper and generate bias analysis results on additional trials
  • models_def/: Definitions for model types, contains training and feature extraction details
  • Dataloaders for training datasets
  • Initializes model for finetuning by reshaping the last layer and configures the optimizers, loss function and other hyperparameters
  • : contains generalized training details and cmd line functions
  • experiments/: contains metadata for all trained models in the paper
  • sets up datasets and directories
  • contains commands to test all six features of this repo
  • reads analysis sets and loads features
  • creates directories for adding a new model, new analysis set, or training set


  • The following features are not updated: trends experiment, check backups/ for source code for this experiment. This experiment plots models against each other on a single plot


Uncovering the Effects of Biases in Pretrained Visual Recognition Models






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