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Gem Version


This gem is a thin Ruby wrapper over a C++ jsoncons library. But while the original library is designed as a multi-purpose tool for processing json and json-like data in C++, in the Ruby world, most of these features are not needed. We already have libraries like Json, CSV, Bson and JMESPath, designed for Ruby and following its style. But JsonPath support is missing. The existing library is really slow and contains a lot of bugs. So, the purpose of this gem is to access the power of a well-crafted already existing solution at the cost of the inconvenience of C++ style in Ruby. Wrappers for other features, as well as Ruby-style data converters, will probably never be created. But if you believe that these features might be useful, feel free to open an issue or start a discussion. Pull requests are welcome, too.

The latest version of the library was used to build the current version of the gem. New versions of the gem will target the latest releases of the library, but you cat still try to build it with an older version or your custom version.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'jsoncons'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install jsoncons

Or, if you downloaded the sources:

$ rake install

If you want to install the gem with a different version of the jsoncons library, you can use the following commands:

$ gem install jsoncons -- --with-jsoncons-dir=/path/to/jsoncons


$ gem install jsoncons -- --with-jsoncons-include=/path/to/jsoncons/include

or when building from source

$ CONFIGURE_ARGS='--with-jsoncons-dir=/path/to/jsoncons' rake install


Tests are the best example

Parse data from this example

require 'jsoncons'
data = Jsoncons::Json.parse("store.json"))
#  => {"store":{"book":[{"category":"reference","author":"Nigel Rees","title":"Sayings of the Century","price":8.95},{"category":"fiction","author":"Evelyn Waugh","title":"Sword of Honour","price":12.99},{"category":"fiction","author":"Herman Melville","title":"Moby Dick","isbn":"0-553-21311-3","price":8.99},{"category":"fiction","author":"J. R. R. Tolkien","title":"The Lord of the Rings","isbn":"0-395-19395-8","price":22.99}]}} 

# The authors of books that are cheaper than $10
data.query("$[?(@.price < 10)].author")
# => ["Nigel Rees","Herman Melville"]

# The number of books
# => [1] 

# The third book
# => [{"category":"fiction","author":"Herman Melville","title":"Moby Dick","isbn":"0-553-21311-3","price":8.99}] 

# All books whose author's name starts with Evelyn (C++ regex)
data.query("$[?( =~ /Evelyn.*?/)]")
# => [{"category":"fiction","author":"Evelyn Waugh","title":"Sword of Honour","price":12.99}]

# The titles of all books that have isbn number
# => ["Moby Dick","The Lord of the Rings"]

# And so on

Please note that this is the very first version of the gem and its API is likely to change in the future.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.