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RelaxedIK Coppeliasim


This repo is a RelaxedIK plugin for CoppeliaSim. You can find an introduction and some useful citation information of RelaxedIK in RelaxedIK Core which is a submodule of this repo. It is recommended to look at RelaxedIK Core before working with this wrapper.

Although it’s possible to access the ROS1 wrapper of RelaxedIK in CoppeliaSim through ROS topics and params, it might be more convenient to directly access RelaxedIK in the form of a CoppeliaSim Pluggin. That’s where the inspiration of this wrapper comes from. Note that this wrapper is developed in CoppeliaSim Edu V4.1.0 and Ubuntu 18.04.

RelaxedIK Family

More information about RelaxedIK, CollisionIK, and all the wrappers could be found in this documentation.

RelaxedIK (Deprecated) RelaxedIK ROS1 RelaxedIK Unity RelaxedIK Coppeliasim RelaxedIK Mujoco


Rust Dependencies (Not optional)

To use this wrapper, you will first need to install Rust. Please go to for more infomation.

CMake Dependencies

The version of cmake should be 3.16.3 or higher.

Lua Dependencies

Getting Started

  1. Make sure that you have installed all the dependencies.
  2. Clone this repo to the installation folder of CoppeliaSim.
  3. Initialize relaxed_ik_core (the Rust library of RelaxedIK) as a submodule by running the following command from the root directory of this repo:
    git submodule update --init
  4. Navigate to the relaxed_ik_core folder and go through the steps below to get relaxed_ik_core ready.
    1. If your robot is in this list: [baxter, hubo, iiwa7, jaco7, panda, sawyer, ur5, yumi], ignore this step. Else, you will need to clone this repo and follow the step-by-step guide there to get the required robot config files into corresponding folders in the config folder in the core. To specify, there should be (replace "sawyer" with your robot name or your urdf name in some cases):
      • 1 self-collision file <collision_sawyer.yaml> in the collision_files folder
      • 4 Rust neural network files <sawyer_nn, sawyer_nn.yaml, sawyer_nn_jointpoint, sawyer_nn_jointpoint.yaml> in the collision_nn_rust folder
      • 1 info file <sawyer_info.yaml> in the info_files folder
      • 1 joint state function file <sawyer_joint_state_define> in the joint_state_define_functions folder
      • 1 urdf file <sawyer.urdf> in the urdfs folder.
    2. Compile the core:
      cargo build
  5. Go to relaxed_ik_core/config/loaded_robot and type the name of the info file of the robot arm you would like to run. For example, if you would like to work with ur5, type "ur5_info.yaml". Available robots are baxter, hubo, iiwa7, jaco7, panda, sawyer, ur5, and yumi.
  6. Complie the CoppeliaSim plugin of RelaxedIK with cmake (3.16.3 or higher required) by running the following commands from the root directory of this repo. Please check the version of your cmake and update it if necessary before compiling the plugin:
    cd ./simExtRelaxedIK
    cmake .
    cmake --build .
  7. Launch CoppeliaSim and include the code in <example.lua> to the threaded child script of your robot arm.
  8. As the only callable function in this RelaxedIK plugin, the following function call takes in a position goal (pos: a table of doubles) and a rotation goal (quat: a table of doubles) and returns a joint angle solution (xopt: also a table of doubles). Usually you want to put it in a loop in order to update the joint angles consistently based on the latest Cartesian-space pose goals.
    xopt = simRelaxedIK.solveIK(pos, quat)
  9. Start the simulation in CoppeliaSim!


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