The initial release of the S.A.L.T Application. The application is designed to be used with the S.A.L.T saline tank testing system for neural devices. This application uses the libSALT library to interface with test and measurement devices. See the Documentation file for usage instructions and additional information.
The application allows for:
-Closed loop testing of neural devices
-Playback/Output of recorded or simulated neural data via a function generator
-Recording of device output in response to this data via an oscilloscope
-Connecting to oscilloscope and function generator via Ethernet or USB
-Support for multiple oscilloscope and function generator channels for more advanced setups.
The attached zip file contains the SALT Application executable, required DLLs, credits, license, readme, and the documentation. You must run the application in the same directory as the required DLLs. A VISA.NET implementation must be installed on your computer before use.