oneDAL 2025.2.0
oneDAL is happy to introduce 2025.2.0 release!
🚨 What's New
- Introduced new oneDAL functionality:
- Implemented GPU version of spectral decomposition as linear regression fallback
- Added ability of VTune profiling
🪲 Bug Fixes
- Fixed incorrect reduction when there's fewer bins than jobs
- Fixed rule of three violations in AlgorithmContainer classes
- Fixed additional array allocation in host to device transfer
- Fixed
computations in low order moments - Fixed incorrect mapping of thread IDs
Thanks to everyone who helped us make 2025.2.0 release possible!
@Alexsandruss, @Alexandr-Solovev, @Vika-F, @david-cortes-intel, @icfaust, @napetrov, @maria-Petrova, @homksei, @ahuber21, @ethanglaser, @razdoburdin, @avolkov-intel
Full Changelog: 2025.1.0...2025.2.0