Secure Linked List allows multiple users to store their data in encrypted form and takes care of the following security principles:
The data comes in the encrypted form from the user. So if the user doesn’t leak its key, the data will be remained confidential. Secondly, on every addition of the node, the server sends the ‘previous hash’ to the client. User is advised to make it confidential as well so the adversary will never know what block belongs to what user
Since the data is hosted on a single trusted server, the server is maintaining all the records. So integrity is there automatically. Of course for a big project, we’ll use some sort of backup storage as well.
Running the server 24/7 will solve the availability principle.
This is a private chain. A particular user can only modify its own data. User can never access any other node. The trusted server will never attempt to mutate the data of the users.
- No defenses against denial of service
- Users can try to send faulty packets because project is based on Socket Programming
pip install python3
pip install hashlib
pip install pycryptodome
With all the dependencies in place, run and the server will be started. Now run It will ask some self-explanatory questions. That’s it.
- Add new nodes to the Linked List
- Modify existing nodes in the Linked List
- Get your nodes back from the Linked List
- No node can be deleted once it has been inserted in to the Linked Lists