The macros are written in AHK. The macros are written for various purposes such as automation, hotkeys, text shortcuts, and window management. The macros are written for Windows.
As the name suggests, this script blocks the keyboard and mouse. The script is useful when you want to clean the keyboard or mouse, or even for security reasons. It has two modes:
- Block Keyboard and Mouse
- Block Keyboard, Mouse and Screen
Also includes a macro to toggle auto locking based on the idle time.
Contains various hotstrings. It uses env.ini
to store sensitive information as variables. Hotstrings usually are personal, but here are some useful ones:
: Lists all the hotstrings in a message box>code
: Pastes the selected text inside a markdown code block, it also moves the cursor back to the first `` quotes, can be slow if clipboard is large(Ctrl +) Alt + C
: Surrounds the selected text with markdown code block quotes
Loads the environment variables from env.ini
The orquestration script that includes all the other scripts. It also includes some additional macros:
- Suspend/Reload the script
- Get the current mouse position and Hex color
Has two main usages:
- Prints the current monitor screen only (when multiple monitors are present)
- Sends the current clipboard printscreen to a desired folder
Various WinActive macros containing hotkeys and hotstrings that are useful to the particular window that is active.
Provides various tools that interact with Windows as such:
- Modify the Volume
- Modify the Window's Transparency
- Open VSCode with(out) Admin permissions, in two modes:
- New empty Window
- New current directory Window, when focused on File Explorer
- Open Windows Terminal with(out) Admin permissions, in two modes:
- New empty Window
- New current directory Window, when focused on File Explorer
We don't talk about the useful scripts, but they are useful.