Simple Zabbix API wrapper for node.js.
npm install zabbix-api
var Zabbix = require('zabbix-api');
var zbx = new Zabbix(user, password, api_url);
// You don't have to do login yourself. `request` method will keep you authenticated.
// `output` default is `extend`
// `res` is an JS object, `result` property from zabbix response.
zbx.request('hostgroup.get', {hostids: 1}, function (err, res) {
if (err) {
} else {
// Acturally there is another api method but I don't really think you'll need that.
// In case that you may want to just test if the user/password is valid ,`login` is for this.
zbx.login(function (err, auth_token) {
err || console.log(auth_token);