Image the packagist
Due to the Internet connection may not so stable, you want to have a cached packagist
for using composer
composer create-project garveen/imagist imagist
git clone
Now you have a
directory in your site. You can set up a web server as usual, just by using thepublic
as root. -
Set up a
job to update the packages.json:
# only dump packages.json
*/5 * * * * /path/to/imagist packages
# dump packages.json and all package index
*/5 * * * * /path/to/imagist dumpindex
# clone whole site
*/5 * * * * /path/to/imagist dumpall
Or you can dump all jsons by
imagist dumpall
After all, setup your project using
composer config [--global] repo.packagist composer https?://yourwebsite
If you have NOT https server, you should use
composer config [--global] repo.packagist composer http://yourwebsite
composer config [--global] secure-http false