Video File Manager for TV Shows, It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows and when they are posted it does its magic. It supports newsgroup and torrents with multiples built-in trackers.
Available tags:
: based on master branch
: based on develop branch
Run Sickrage :
docker run vsense/sickrage:<yourtag>
You can test it by visiting http://container-ip:8081
in a browser or, if you need access outside the host, on port 8081 :
docker run -p 8081:8081 vsense/sickrage:<yourtag>
You can then go to http://localhost:8081
or http://host-ip:8081
in a browser.
The image has two volumes :
- /config : contains sickrage configuration
- /downloads : contains the files downloads by the service provider of your choice : NZB, Torrents or Others. Also postprocessed files. You can pretty much drop whatever you want here it is sort of a data volume.
Sickrage is installed in the /sickrage directory but it is not a volume. If you wish to use host mount point instead of volumes it possible.
To use an on-host config (for persistent configuration if you do not want to deal with volumes, that I can understand :D) :
docker run --restart=always --name sickrage --hostname sickrage -v /srv/configs/sickrage:/config vsense/sickrage
To mount your download folder (you will probably need to do that anyway) :
docker run --restart=always --name sickrage --hostname sickrage -v /srv/configs/sickrage:/config -v /srv/seedbox:/downloads vsense/sickrage
You can even override sickrage directory if you prefer to git clone on you host for whatever reason :
docker run --restart=always --name sickrage --hostname sickrage -v /srv/sickrage:/sickrage vsense/sickrage
And you can combin the commands above as you like :
docker run --restart=always --name sickrage --hostname sickrage -v /srv/seedbox:/downloads -v /srv/sickrage:/sickrage -v /srv/configs/sickrage:/config vsense/sickrage