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Writing style guide checks

Jouni Koivuviita edited this page Dec 21, 2020 · 1 revision


To run the writing guideline checks locally, you need to install Asciidoctor and Vale, and install a plugin/extension for your preferred editor:

In order to run all the same checks as are run for pull request, you need to install all the style libraries locally under .github/styles (next to the already existing Vaadin and Vocab folders):

To manually check an article, run vale path/to/article.asciidoc in the terminal.

If you need to disable certain checks for a piece of content, you can use the following in AsciiDoc:

pass:[<!-- vale Vale.Terms = NO -->]
This content will not produce errors or warnings for the Vale.Terms checks.
pass:[<!-- vale Vale.Terms = YES -->]


Install a Alex plugin/extension for your preferred editor:

Clone this wiki locally