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Vaadin Hybrid Example

This project demonstrates how to build Vaadin hybrid applications, i.e. server-side (Vaadin Flow) and frontend-side (Vaadin Hilla) views together in a single application. The project uses Spring-Boot Security to protect Flow and Hilla views.

Running the Application

There are two ways to run the application : using mvn spring-boot:run or by running the Application class directly from your IDE.

You can use any IDE of your preference,but we suggest Eclipse or Intellij IDEA. Below are the configuration details to start the project using a spring-boot:run command. Both Eclipse and Intellij IDEA are covered.


  • Right click on a project folder and select Run As --> Maven build.. . After that a configuration window is opened.
  • In the window set the value of the Goals field to spring-boot:run
  • You can optionally select Skip tests checkbox
  • All the other settings can be left to default

Once configurations are set clicking Run will start the application

Intellij IDEA

  • On the right side of the window, select Maven --> Plugins--> spring-boot --> spring-boot:run goal
  • Optionally, you can disable tests by clicking on a Skip Tests mode blue button.

Clicking on the green run button will start the application.

After the application has started, you can view your it at http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.

If you want to run the application locally in the production mode, use spring-boot:run -Pproduction command instead.

Running Integration Tests

Integration tests are implemented using Playwright. The tests take a few minutes to run and are therefore included in a separate Maven profile. We recommend running tests with a production build to minimize the chance of development time toolchains affecting test stability.

Since Playwright supports either Java or TypeScript, tests for Flow views are implemented in Java whereas Hilla views are tested in TS

To run the tests using Google Chrome for both Flow and Hilla views run:

mvn verify -Pit,production

For running tests in headed mode run:

mvn verify -Pit,production -Dheadless=false

If you prefer run only Hilla tests, just execute:

npm test

Or for interacting with the playwright UI Test:

npm test -- --ui


Vaadin web applications are full-stack and include both client-side and server-side code in the same project.

Directory Description
src/main/frontend/ Client-side source directory
    components/ React components
    themes/ Application theme sources
    util/ Util scripts
    views/ UI views in React/TypeScript
        @layout.tsx Layout/Menu for other views
        @index.tsx Public Hilla view
        about.tsx Hilla view for authenticated users
        hilla.tsx Hilla view for 'USER'
    index.html HTML template
    auth.tsx Authentication helpers
    index.tsx Application TS entry point
    routes.tsx React Router configuration
src/main/java/<groupId>/ Server-side source directory Server entrypoint Server-side view for 'ADMIN' Back-end service example