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Vaadin OSGi

This project provides an integration with Vaadin and OSGi environments.

Branch Vaadin/Flow version Java version
master (8.1) Vaadin 23.3+ / Flow 23.3+ JDK11
8.0 Vaadin 23.2 / Flow 23.2 JDK11
7.0 Vaadin 22 / Flow 9.0 JDK8

Build and test

Build required Flow modules

In order to execute OSGi add-on tests, you need to build locally a couple of Flow modules that are not available on remote maven repositories.

Checkout the Flow branch specific for the OSGi add-on branch, and then run

mvn -DskipTests -am -pl flow-tests,flow-plugins/flow-maven-plugin,flow-html-components-testbench,flow,vaadin-dev-server clean install
mvn -f flow-tests/test-common clean install

For Flow 23.3+, the test-root-context module, that contains the Flow views and the test code, must be packaged as a JAR instead of WAR. Edit the flow-tests/test-root-context/pom.xml file and modify the <packaging> tag from war to jar, then build the module.

mvn -f flow-tests/test-root-context -DskipTests -Prun-tests clean install

Build and run OSGi tests

To build all modules without executing, tests run mvn -DskipTests clean install.

To run validation for non bnd-tools container, execute

mvn -P\!bnd-tools -Dvaadin.allow.appshell.annotations=true verify

To run validation for bnd-tools container, execute

mvn -Pbnd-tools -Dvaadin.allow.appshell.annotations=true verify

The following system properties can be added to the command line:

Property name Description Example
flow.version Execute agains a specific flow version -Dflow.version=9.1-SNAPSHOT
testbench.version Execute agains a specific Testbench version -Dtestbench.version=7.1-SNAPSHOT Use a local chromedriver executable. Useful when the Selenium manager is not able to fetch the correct driver for the local Google Chrome installation
com.vaadin.testbench.Parameters.maxAttempts To rerun failed test, in case of flakyness -Dcom.vaadin.testbench.Parameters.maxAttempts=2


If the test fail because of errors in the browser console, try to delete the pnpm cache (e.g. $HOME/.cache/pnpm) and rebuild the test-root-context.