This cookbook has been converted into a library cookbook as of version 1.0.0, and supports Chef 12.x and higher. It implements supports CI as well as more modern testing with chefspec and test-kitchen. It no longer supports some of the more extraneous features such as discovery (use chef search in your wrapper cookbook) or EBS device creation (use the aws cookbook).
The previous version of this cookbook may be found in the 0.3.x branch.
The default recipe creates an elasticsearch user and group with the default options.
Actions: :create
, :remove
Creates a user and group on the system for use by elasticsearch. Here is an example with many of the default options and default values (all options except a resource name may be omitted).
elasticsearch_user 'elasticsearch'
elasticsearch_user 'elasticsearch' do
username 'elasticsearch'
groupname 'elasticsearch'
homedir '/usr/local/elasticsearch'
shell '/bin/bash'
comment 'Elasticsearch User'
action :create
Actions: :install
, :remove
Downloads the elasticsearch software, and unpacks it on the system. There are
currently two ways to install -- package
, which downloads the appropriate
package from and uses the package manager to install it, and
which downloads a tarball from and unpacks it in
/usr/local on the system. The resource name is not used for anything in
particular. This resource also comes with a :remove
action which will remove
the package or directory elasticsearch was unpacked into.
elasticsearch_install 'elasticsearch'
elasticsearch_install 'my_es_installation' do
type :tarball # type of install
dir '/usr/local' # where to install
owner 'elasticsearch' # user and group to install under
group 'elasticsearch'
tarball_url ""
tarball_checksum "acf572c606552bc446cceef3f8e93814a363ba0d215b323a2864682b3abfbe45"
action :install # could be :remove as well
elasticsearch_install 'my_es_installation' do
type :tarball # type of install
version '1.5.0'
action :install # could be :remove as well
elasticsearch_install 'my_es_installation' do
type :package # type of install
package_url ""
package_checksum "15a02a2bea74da2330bb78718efb3a8f83a2b2e040a6ee859e100a6556981f36"
action :install # could be :remove as well
elasticsearch_install 'my_es_installation' do
type :package # type of install
version "1.5.0"
action :install # could be :remove as well
Actions: :manage
, :remove
Configures an elasticsearch instance; creates directories for configuration, logs, and data. Writes files logging.yml, and elasticsearch.yml.
The main attribute for this resource is configuration
which is a hash of any elasticsearch configuration directives. The
other important attribute is default_configuration
-- this contains the
minimal set of required defaults.
Note that these are both not a Chef mash, everything must be in a single level of keys and values. Any settings you pass in configuration will be merged into (and potentially overwrite) any default settings.
See the examples, as well as the attributes in the resource file, for more.
With all defaults -
elasticsearch_configure 'elasticsearch'
More complicated -
elasticsearch_configure 'my_elasticsearch' do
dir '/usr/local/awesome'
user 'foo'
group 'bar'
logging({:"action" => 'INFO'})
allocated_memory '123m'
thread_stack_size '512k'
env_options '-DFOO=BAR'
gc_settings <<-CONFIG
configuration ({
'' => 'crazy'
action :manage
Actions: :configure
, :remove
Writes out a system service configuration of the appropriate type, and enables it to start on boot. You can override almost all of the relevant settings in such a way that you may run multiple instances.
elasticsearch_service 'elasticsearch'
elasticsearch_service 'elasticsearch-crazy' do
node_name 'crazy'
path_conf '/usr/local/awesome/etc/elasticsearch'
pid_path '/usr/local/awesome/var/run'
user 'foo'
group 'bar'
Actions: :install
, :remove
Installs or removes a plugin to a given elasticsearch instance and plugin directory.
When running a single instance per machine (VM, etc), it's typically
sufficient to rely on the default value of plugin_dir
elasticsearch_plugin 'mobz/elasticsearch-head'
To run multiple instances per machine, an explicit plugin_dir
has to be provided:
elasticsearch_plugin 'mobz/elasticsearch-head' do
plugin_dir '/usr/local/awesome/elasticsearch-1.5.0/plugins'
This cookbook is equipped with both unit tests (chefspec) and integration tests
(test-kitchen and serverspec). It also comes with rubocop and foodcritic tasks
in the supplied Rakefile. Contributions to this cookbook should include tests
for new features or bugfixes, with a preference for unit tests over integration
tests to ensure speedy testing runs. All tests and most other commands here
should be run using bundler and our standard Gemfile. This ensures that
contributions and changes are made in a standardized way against the same
versions of gems. We recommend installing rubygems-bundler so that bundler is
automatically inserting bundle exec
in front of commands run in a directory
that contains a Gemfile.
A full test run of all tests and style checks would look like:
$ bundle exec rake style
$ bundle exec rake spec
$ bundle exec rake integration
$ bundle exec rake destroy
The final destroy is intended to clean up any systems that failed a test, and is mostly useful when running with kitchen drivers for cloud providers, so that no machines are left orphaned and costing you money.
This cookbook supplies a few different test fixtures (under test/fixtures/
that can be shared amongst any number of unit or integration tests: cookbooks,
environments, and nodes. Environments and nodes are automatically loaded into
chef-zero for both chefspec tests that run locally and serverspec tests that run
from test-kitchen.
It also contains 'platform data' that can be used to drive unit testing, for
example, you might read httpd
for some platforms and apache2
for others,
allowing you to write a single test for the Apache webserver. Unfortunately,
without further modifications to busser
and busser-serverspec
, the platform
data will not be available to serverspec tests.
Rubocop and Foodcritic evaluations may be made by running rake style
. There
are no overrides for foodcritic rules, however the adjustments to
rubocop are made using the supplied .rubocop.yml
file and have been documented
by comments within. Most notably, rubocop has been restricted to only apply to
Rubocop and foodcritic tests can be executed using rake style
Unit testing is done using the latest versions of Chefspec. The current default test layout includes running against all supported platforms, as well as stubbing data into chef-zero. This allows us to also test against chef search. As is currently a best practice in the community, we will avoid the use of chef-solo, but not create barriers to explicitly fail for chef-solo.
Unit tests can be executed using rake spec
Integration testing is accomplished using the latest versions of test-kitchen and serverspec. Currently, this cookbook uses the busser-serverspec plugin for copying serverspec files to the system being tested. There is some debate in the community about whether this should be done using busser-rspec instead, and each busser plugin has a slightly different feature set.
While the default test-kitchen configuration uses the vagrant driver, you may
override this using ~/.kitchen/config.yml
or by placing a .kitchen.local.yml
in the current directory. This allows you to run these integration tests using
any supported test-kitchen driver (ec2, rackspace, docker, etc).
Integration tests can be executed using rake integration
or kitchen test
This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.
Copyright (c) 2015 Elasticsearch <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.