An online multiplayer chess game with GUI written in C++ with support for both Offline and Online modes.
Install the dependencies for GLFW:
sudo apt install libwayland-dev libxkbcommon-dev xorg-dev
Clone the repository and third-party libraries:
git clone --recurse-submodules && cd Shohih/
cd ./output/exe
./shohih_main # main executable
./ --test
cd ./output/exe
./test # test executable
./shohih_main # main executable
./ --debug
Shohih supports both offline and online game modes. To see the usage guide execute ./shohih_main
Usage: ./shohih_main [OPTIONS]
-m, --mode Select game mode (online|offline)
-u, --host Set server address in online mode
Example: ./shohih_main --mode offline
Example: ./shohih_main -m online --host
NOTE: Server address can be ip address or url
NOTE: Server is listening on port 8080
- On the computer hosting the server:
cd ./output/exe
- Players' computer (can be the same as the server's computer):
cd ./output/exe
./shohih_main --mode online --host <server_address>
./shohih_main --mode online --host localhost # If client and server are on the same computer
cd ./output/exe
./shohih_main --mode offline
- Implement and test
function for all pieces- Pawn (Including En-Passant)
- In case of En-Passant, remove the other pawn from the board
- Pawn promotion
- Knight
- Bishop
- Rook
- Queen
- King
- Pawn (Including En-Passant)
- Implement board class
- Add turns (black should not play in white's turn)
- Support giving checks and checkmate
- Pieces cannot take kings.
- Add full support for FEN notation (Including player turn)
- Support castling
- Implement Game manager
- GUI with Raylib
- Board texture
- Piece texture
- Show available moves when clicking on a piece
- Update piece texture position with piece objects
- King square turning red if in check
- If a piece can be taken, change square corner shapes instead of a circle
- Add menu to select Online/Offline mode and enter server address
- Update demo video after fixing bugs
- Implement online mode
- Add /exit http request
- Improve connection speed (replace Http with Websocket?)