Script that blocks the load when the server is overloaded.
Script em PHP que verifica se o servidor não está sobrecarregado. Caso esteja bloqueia o carregamento para evitar mais requisições.
V 0.3 (This script is in Beta version)
To use this script, upload the file "overloaded.class.php" and the folder "languages" for your project. At the beginning of your script includes this code:
include 'overloaded.class.php';
$serverover = new overloaded();
$max_processing = 30; // 0 - 100
$serverover->check($max_processing); //If processing is greater than $ max_processing charging is blocked.
Change the language of the alerts!
$serverover->set_language( string );
Languages available:
'pt-br'-> "Português do Brasil"
'en'-> "English"
'es'-> "Español"
The page reloads automatically every X seconds. Set zero to disable!
$serverover->set_autoreload( int seconds );
The default value is 0