Fiddle around with and create a development environment for shopware 6 and symfony.
- Follow the instructions to set up Nix, Cachix and (skip any following instructions)
- Continue with the installation of direnv and ignore the next section
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Go into the directory
cd symfony-devenv
will automatically load the environment / configurations - Start your environment with
devenv up
(it will start all services within the terminal in the foreground) - Open a new terminal and navigate into the project root dir
- Choose between the installation of symfony or shopware 6 with the underlying commands
If you have Nix, Cachix, and Direnv already installed, you can directly follow the steps below
# choose your desired version
❯ symfony new project --no-interaction # creates a symfony skeleton trough the symfony-cli
❯ symfony demo project --no-interaction # creates a symfony demo trough the symfony-cli
❯ sw-dev # just type this command in the root dir
The following steps are executed through the command
❯ composer create-project shopware/production project --no-interaction \
&& cd ./project
&& composer req --dev dev-tools symfony/var-dumper symfony/web-profiler-bundle maltyxx/images-generator mbezhanov/faker-provider-collection frosh/development-helper frosh/tools
&& bin/console system:install --basic-setup
❯ composer create-project shopware/production project --no-interaction
and your dev-env is ready 🎉
❯ clean # just type this command in the root dir
Because its currently not possible to start the devenv setup in the background as deamon, this command could be handy. If your terminal session dies and you still have devenv processes running, execute this command:
# add this line to .bashrc, .zshrc or your shell of you choice to have the command "dkill" available
alias dkill="kill $(ps -ax | grep /nix/store | awk '{print $1}')" # kill all processes