BlinkHub Emitter - Introducing Delayed Event Subscription
We're thrilled to announce a significant update to the BlinkHub Emitter library! This release is focused on enhancing the flexibility and usability of our event handling system with the introduction of the subscribeWithDelay
feature. Here's an overview of what we've accomplished:
New Feature:
- Subscribe with Delay: The new
method allows you to subscribe to events with a specified delay. This feature enables callbacks to be executed after a delay, adding a new dimension to how you handle events.
Testing Enhancements for subscribeWithDelay
Multiple Delayed Subscriptions: Added tests to verify that multiple callbacks with different delays can be subscribed to the same event and are called at the correct times.
Independent Delay Execution: Ensured through testing that callbacks with delays are executed independently and do not interfere with each other.
Unsubscribe Functionality: Included tests for unsubscribing delayed callbacks both before and after the delay period, ensuring that the unsubscribe mechanism works as expected with delayed execution.
Edge Case Handling: Tested various edge cases, such as zero delay and unsubscribing within a delayed callback, to ensure robustness and reliability.
Enhanced Test Cases for general scope:
Unsubscribe Functionality Test:
- Added a test to verify the effective unsubscription of callbacks from events. This ensures that once a callback is unsubscribed, it no longer receives event notifications.
Multiple Arguments Handling Test:
- Implemented tests to validate the handling of multiple arguments in event callbacks, ensuring all provided data is correctly passed and handled.
Error Handling in Callbacks Test:
- Introduced error handling tests to confirm that errors in one callback do not prevent the execution of subsequent callbacks in the event loop.
Event Emission with No Subscribers Test:
- Added a test to check the behavior when events are emitted without any subscribed callbacks, ensuring that such cases are handled gracefully.
Dynamic Callback Management Test:
- Developed tests for dynamic subscribing and unsubscribing within event callbacks, enhancing the flexibility and dynamic nature of event handling.
Asynchronous Callbacks Test:
- Created tests for the handling of asynchronous callbacks, ensuring that they are properly called and managed within the event emission process.
Other Test Improvements:
- While our focus was on the
feature, we also took the opportunity to enhance our overall test suite. This includes:- Testing for multiple subscriptions to the same event.
- Ensuring callbacks are only triggered for their subscribed events.
- Verifying the order of callback execution.
- Expanding tests to cover various argument types and error handling scenarios.
Future Considerations:
- In upcoming updates, we plan to explore additional testing areas such as asynchronous callbacks, performance optimization, and memory leak prevention to continually improve the reliability and efficiency of the Emitter.
Special Thanks
- We would like to extend our special thanks to @emilQA for his exceptional commitment and contributions on the testing side. His meticulous efforts have significantly improved the quality and reliability of our library.
This update significantly enhances the Emitter's capabilities, making it an even more versatile tool for event management in your applications. We encourage you to explore the new subscribeWithDelay
feature and provide feedback for continuous improvement.