is a zero-dependency library capable of rendering blocks from the Notion API into HTML.
Through the use of the Notion SDK for JavaScript it's possible to
extract specific page blocks which then can be converted into HTML.
It`s could be useful when you want to use Notion like CMS for your project
import { renderBlocks } from 'notion-html-block'
// use notion SDK to get blocks
const pageBlocks = await notion.blocks.children.list({ block_id: id });
// retrieve nested blocks
for (const block of pageBlocks.results) {
if (block.has_children) {
block.children = await getPageBlocks(;
// get html for blocks list
const content = renderBlocks(pageBlocks.results);
Example output for toggleable heading block:
<div class="n-toggle-heading">
<h1 class="n-heading-1 n-toggleable n-toggleable-closed">Toggle Heading</h1>
<p class="n-paragraph">Hidden content</p>
Also, it's possible to render one certain block:
const block = {
"object": "block",
"type": "paragraph",
"paragraph": {
"rich_text": [
const content = renderBlock(block)
Generate static files for your static site generator:
import fs from "fs";
const content = renderBlocks(blocks);
fs.writeFile('./blocks.html', content)
fs.writeFile('./blocks.json', JSON.stringify({blocks: content}))
If you need to insert output HTML to DOM, you cna use DOMParser
const parser = new DOMParser();
const html = parser.parseFromString(`<div id="my-content">${renderBlocks(blocks)}</div>`, 'text/html');
const content = html.getElementById("my-content")
or <template>
const template = document.createElement('template');
template.innerHTML = renderBlock(block);
const html = template.content.children;
- heading_1
- heading_2
- heading_3
- code
- image
- bulleted_list_item
- numbered_list_item
- paragraph
- quote
- toggle
- table
- columns
- callout
- divider