This repository contains a colletion of challenges as part of the node performance workshop.
You can find a handy cheat-sheet below.
$ ps -o pid,pmem,vsz,rss,comm -p <PID>
Alternatives: top
, htop
, free
, vmstat
Self monitoring:
$ node
> process.memoryUsage()
{ rss: 13037568,
heapTotal: 6147328,
heapUsed: 2790824 }
$ ps -o pid,pcpu,cpu,comm -p <PID>
Alternatives: top
, htop
$ ps -o pid,pcpu,cpu,comm -p <PID>
lsof -nP -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN
netstat -lntp
Every file, port, unix pipe, or any kind of stream (unix stream) is represented by a file descriptor.
lsof -nP -p <PID>
, iptraf
, or nethogs
node --trace_gc <program>
var heapdump = require('heapdump');
var oneMb = Math.pow(2, 20);
var threshold = 10 * oneMb;
var last = get();
setInterval(check, 1000);
function get() { return process.memoryUsage().rss; }
function check() {
var now = get();
if (now - last < threshold)
console.log('Memory increase from %d MB to %d MB. Wrote dump',
Math.floor(last / oneMb),
Math.floor(now / oneMb));
last = now;
Run your node program with:
node --perf_basic_prof myprogram.js
Run perf to trace the node process for 10 seconds:
sudo perf record -q -F 999 -p $(pgrep node) -g -- sleep 10
Make sure the generated map file is owned by the same user that runs perf:
sudo chown root /tmp/perf-*.map
Output the recorded activity into a file:
sudo perf script > /tmp/script
Use stackvis to generate a flame-graph from the perf script.
stackvis perf < /tmp/script > /tmp/flamegraph.html