I have always been interested in css-in-js
and the idea that we could write well typed
css as code in javascript instead of relying on a pre-processor for features such as mixins and functions.
In practice, I have found that css hides so much logic with its banal syntax. Some things represented as psuedo classes or by a combination of classes must be represented by conditions that can be very complex.
I have ended up with certain uncomfortable props such as first
and last
to represent the :first
and :last
pseudo classes among other things. Similar, for nth-of-type
get odd
and even
Also, css
refers to the hierarchy when defining child elements, their styles changing based on their parent's look and feel. It makes the use of Context API in react nessecary,
esp. when representing variants of a component,
For example: is a horizontal navigation menu item a tab
or a pill
. is the nav
containing this horizontal
or vertical
. Is this nav
within a card
This has proved to be a mighty learning opportunity (although my lack of css skill remains as woeful as it was when I started) about the hidden complexity of css and the difficult task of representing it in js.
Additionally, I had never given so much thought to the end user of a component library
and the many ways we override styles on a component. I have tried to provide
both className
and style
props to the user as well as a static classname that the user
can refer if they are not interested in adding their own className.
Also, where possible, I have attempted to give the user as free a reign as possible to add props to the component and use it as they desire.
It has been eye-opening how little a good library restricts the user and how much customization via props one must provide. It has increased my respect for the open source contributors working on component libraries and CSS frameworks.
To install the package, run:
yarn install react react-dom felastrap
To use a component, import it like this:
import { Button } from "felastrap";
To import type
import { type ButtonProps } from "felastrap";
We use @floating-ui/react
for collapsible components and react-transition-group
for animations along with fela
for styling.
Install the dependencies:
yarn install
We use fela
as a CSS-in-JS framework and Bootstrap as "inspiration"
. To put it simply,
we take the components from Bootstrap and try to re-build them using react
and fela
We use storybook
to build our components, run:
yarn storybook
Ideally, you can work your component while visualizing it in storybook.
Jest is the preferred test framework, run tests using:
yarn test
and with coverage as:
yarn test --coverage
To debug memory leaks when running the tests:
"scripts": {
"test:debug": "node --inspect-brk --experimental-vm-modules --expose-gc ./node_modules/.bin/jest --runInBand --logHeapUsage",
"test:diag": "node --experimental-vm-modules --expose-gc ./node_modules/.bin/jest --runInBand --detectOpenHandles --logHeapUsage"
Note: The stories and tests are located next to the code instead of a test
directory. It becomes essential to exclude them when building the library. We use vite to build the
library. Use:
yarn build
to build the library and:
yarn clean
to cleanup after a build.