This is a lib for android developers to do things as a root user, such as judging whether the device has rooted, try to granted root premission, install app without pop dialog (just like Google Play do), uninstall apps silently, capture screen programmly and so on.
This project bases on the project ROOTTOOL . RootManager slims roottool and extends more various utilities for common cases.
Download the lastest JAR File HERE.
- Check if the Device has been rooted.
- Grant Super User Permission.
- Install Package silently.
- Uninstall Package silently.
- Uninstall System Package silently.
- Run Command.
- Install Binary File.
- Remove Binary File.
- Execute Binary File.
- Remount File System.
- Copy files.
- Screen Shot.
- Kill Process. (un-Finished)
- Restart Device. (un-Finished)
RootManager is released under GNU GPL v2 license.
- 2013-5-5Un-finished .
- 2013-5-14Basic Features Finished.
- 2013-5-17Refactor OperationRe sult Class.
- 2013-5-18Finish Example App v 0.1