- GraphInterface.java : Interface for the remote object.
- GraphObject.java : Implements the remote object interface.
- Server.java : Creates a registry and bind the remote object to it.
- Client.java : Takes command from the user and manipulates the remote object accordingly.
- GraphInterface consist of a list of graphs objects.
- Each Graph objects consist of a queue for edges.
- Krushkal algorithm has been used to determine the total weight of the minimum weight spanning tree.
- Server creates an instance of the remote object and binds it to the registry.
- Client searches the registry for the same remote object and manipulates it according to the input.
- Client can request for
- adding a new graph: add_graph <graph_id> <no_of_vertices>.
- adding a new edge to a already existing graph: add_edge <graph_id> < vertex1 > < vertex2 > < weight >.
- getting total weight of the MST for a already existing graph : get_mst <graph_id>.
- javac *.java
- java Server < port >
- java Client < server_ip > < port >